Friday, September 28, 2007
taken from other postings...
yesterday Alyssa and I had our therapy appt. Alyssa was in a really good mood yesterday. partly because they got penpals in school with children from NJ and partly because I think she wanted to go see the therapist. SHe even wrote the therapist a thank you note before we went! We had a session with both of us. Alyssa was wiggly the whole time, but did pay attention.
Alyssa and I came up with a few "rules". Everytime she is following the rules she gets a reward (sticker to eventually earn something). The rules for us were thing like.
1. no lying2. stopping yourself from making a stupid decision (aka instead of climbing the closet, ask a parent for help)3. stopping self from tantrum.
We also talked about ways of which I can approach Alyssa about things. For example, when asking the kids to do something, ask them to repeat it back. Also, if she stays something nasty, as for her to rephrase it again in a better way. Ask how she could have done something differently.
Alyssa also came up wtih rules for me, such as no yelling and when I get upset to write it down and send her a letter (she has email and an envelop outside her door that Jack and herself would write notes to each other). Alyssa is one smart girl when she wants to be. The therapist was shocked at some things, such as when she says "yes maam" and also for the thank you note.
Now onto JAck. I posted this on my mommy list:
Jack has gotten into pokemon. when asked about his birthday all hewants is pokemon stuff. If he finds out another kid is into pokemon,he is at least socializing finally! Pokemon has had another benefit,which is based on the previous entries.... He has turned his behavioraround completely! I have found the carrot!!!!!!In school he has only gotten his clip moved once. His current teacherthinks he is such a wonderful child. He gets all "s" on his weeklyreports. Last year we went only one week with no behavior issues(arguing back with the teacher).Then there is the Dentist. Jack's chart has been marked as "problemchild" . They did not want afternoon appt's for him. I promised him anew pack of cards for good behavior and guess what!!! today he wasthe model patient. I could not believe it! The took that sticker offhis chart. Go Jack.
Now onto me:
yesterday I had one of my migraine headaches. I really need to go back the DR and try different meds again. THe meds will kill it for about 12 hours and then it comes back again for about 24. I wish I could knock it out for good. I did Work from home when I felt up to it. I knew by 2:45 I just had to get my act together.
My insecurities are out again. With Jack's party coming, every "no" that I get, I take personally in some respects.. Moreso with the kid in his class that he had this one playdate with. I dont think the mom likes me and Jack, which is very sad. I almost dont want to try to pursue further playdates, but Jack needs them. Also, since he cant make the birthday party, and neither can another boy that is in his class, I am now thinking , should I just invite all the boys anyway. I have kids from outside his class who are coming, but I would like him to have a few from his classroom. This is not an all boys party, so then its "what about the girls". I dont want to just invite the whole class and that would be too many kids. Having social skills as a mommy is sooo important to help our kids with their social skills.
Speaking of social skills. It looks like Alyssa is doing better in that dept. Not so much at school still, but outside of school she is making friends. When Jack takes gymnastics on Wed she plays with this other girl whose sister also takes gymnastics. She does have a friend in her classroom this year, so that is good as well. I dont hear too many social Whines from her.
Other musings... I let my kids watch Kid Nation. The other day they were killing a chicken and warned about that. Alyssa did not want to watch, so she did not (though she almost wanted to peek). Jack was excited about it. Since they chop the head off, it was interesting to see the chicken still active and thus the expressions "like a chicken with its head cut off!" My kids also watch the real survivor. I know that Jack just likes to watch the challenges. In some ways I think these shows are almost better than the Disney Channel stuff that makes Alyssa want to grow up faster than she should.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
stress and breaking down...
Well today at baseball Jack totally melted down; i went to walk since gym time is no longer in the cards for me lately. maybe once a week. Yom Kippur did not help either. I come back he is not on the field, nor has he been since i left! He did not want the water they had there. It was not cold enough for him. All I wanted was a walk. I was very embarassed and embarassed myself more. my anger started to get the better of me. I should have just taken him home, but instead, I dragged him to the corneer of the outfield and kept working with him. Worked on his hitting. I also made it clear that pokemon cards were gone for a week. I also reprimended him in front of everyone. I looked like a nut job! I was not having him quit... He is not good and needs the practice. I guess deep down , even though its Jack, I FEEL the rejection and took it personally. I even asked the coach afterwards if maybe Jack should no longer play , period. He said Jack was welcome on Sat to play in the game. I plan on working with Jack the rest of hte week.
I was hoping Felix woudl do this, but at this point he is already not a good place. He wants his gym time, and other time, and gets upset that activities get in his way. For example, he wanted to go somewhere Thursday night to hear a speaker and Jack has cubscouts. I cannot take him since Alyssa has her 2nd therapist appt. Tomorrow I am letting him do whatever he wants, including lots of gym time. I do know that he is the one who got laid off. he also is the one that is finally getting into shape. But at the same time I have been overeating and I am at a weight that I am very UNHAPPY with. I want to go to the gym or walk, or whatever.
Well to continue, I did call FElix who had Alyssa. the Hebrew school teacher told FElix that she needs more practice and is not getting it. I dont get it. I did work with her on it a bit a few weeks ago and thought she was doing ok with her hebrew letters. Well it did not help that there was a sub for a couple weeks and that they had 2 weeks off afterwards.. Alyssa hates the fact that she has the same teacher for the 3rd year. Also that there are girls in the class that she dislikes. Felix doesnt know hebrew, so its all up to me. I felt tonight like both my kids "failed me" and started to cry. I know in this case its not completely their fault. Jack was having a bad day and i should have accepted that. I should have remained at practice and not been selfish to walk. I should have forced Alyssa to work harder at Hebrew. On top of everythign else, something else is bothering Alyssa from school today. She has not told me yet. I need to get it out of her. I can just tell. Its not the ITBS tests that they are taking. Its something else.
Other notes
Sunday Alyssa had her old BFF over. I took the girls to the mall. (and the park). When we got back the new neighbor boys came over. At one point I had 5 screaming kids running thru my house playing some type of tag game. I tried to get them to keep it outside. I am glad that alyssa got to see her though
Yom Kippur fasting was very hard on me. I just dont have what it takes anymore to fast all day. I woke up hungry and it never went away. I will say that Jack did a fabulous job of behaving in temple that day. I just wish that he would behave around others. I dont think he will ever have a playdate again with that one friend since he was not on "best behavior " that day. It makes me sad.
Well I should be in bed, but here I am up. I will pay for it in the am.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Yom Kippur
Meanwhile yesterday I ran around. I had to buy 3 birthday presents! I took alyssa with me. She was fine without her brother with her. I stated this many times. I can take one or the other with me and they are great. EArlier in the day I took Jack to the pet store while Alyssa was in keyboarding class. I did stop at Brusters to pick up ice cream for both of them :)
I am hoping that alyssa gets to see Aly on Sunday. they have not seen each other in a while. Last night I also talked to Alyssa about friends from school. She seems to have no problems making friends outside of school. But once in middle school she really needs a small set of friends. Whether it be one girl or a few girls. It will make life a bit easier.
I am reading about the Hannah Montana ticket stuff. the promoter keeps about 1/3 of the tix!
That is so not right. once again if you know someone you get to go.
I know there is a lot more I can write, but for some reason I dont feel like it today.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A trip to the doll hospital...
WE had almost 4 days of bliss with Alyssa, but last night the meltdowns and disrespecting started up again. I have gotten myself to stay calm with her most of the time, until she sasses me and disrespects me. Not the "I hate you" , but moreso, " I dont have to do what you say" type things. I lost my cool and apologized right afterwards. If we are trying to teach her not to lose her cool, then we ahve to set an example. I am trying. She cried in public about not getting a frosty to herself when I got one for Jack. She had already had ice cream. I offered to give her some of Jack's but that wasnt enuf. I wanted to keep peace around me, so I told alyssa she had to go home in Felix's car.. she refused, and tried to cling to my car. Felix had to take her to his car.
Well after she FINALLY! went to her room and to bed (after pulling a prank such as turning off my bathroom light while Jack was in the shower) , I thought she was sleeping. nope! She was writing a letter to her teacher, nicely asking for a different partner in their "data gathering". Not sure what they are gathering data about (science). The kid she was paired with is sent to the vice principals office at least once a week, and is causing Alyssa to get very frustrated. Alyssa doesnt want to melt down in school and wants a different partner. Not sure what her teacher will do. I dont want to interfere with this one, quite yet. I also dont want Alyssa to have a meltdown in class. I hope the teacher sees the stress that Alyssa is feeling. Alyssa also wants to meet with the counselor to discuss this boy. Every year there is one boy that she has issues with. I made sure she was not with last year's boy, so she had to find another one. Though this one is not as bad.
Also, my kids are fighting on the bus, so the bus driver has to make sure they are nowhere near each other. this is very embarrassing for me. Once again its Alyssa getting bent out of shape, with Jack doing things that bother her. He knows how to do it, in a subtle way.
Jack is big into writing/typing and learning how to spell things. Its amazing to watch how eager he is to learn. Tomorrow morning I had a meet and greet with the TAG teachers (talented and gifted). Jack is also going overboard with all this Pokemon thing.
I wish Jack woudl finally "get it" when it comes to baseball.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Speaking of the popcorn sale, if Jack doesnt become a lawyer or a politician, he will make a great salesman! He did awesome. WAs a bit too much "in face" at times, and we had reel him in, but overall he did a great job. What surprised me is when this guy bought 2 10$ tins, and asked JAck how much that was. Jack said 20$. then they guy handed him a 50$ and asked what his change was and Jack, without hesitation, said 30$. I think that really impressed the guy. That impressed me. THe problem with Jack is that many times he sounds (due to his speech) and acts more like a 5 year old, but his definately has the intelligence of a 7 year old. Lately, by his interest in pokemon, he is doing better socially, but I am sure he seems somewhat "babyish" to other boys at times. He is just not a boy's boy. I hope his speech and social skillls catch up to his smartass ways.
Friday night I went out to a new place with a friend of mine. We tend to go out about once a month to try a restaurant. It was fun. Its nice to get out with the "girls". I also needed to escape from the wrath of alyssa that night. Luckily she seems to have broken out of boarding school behavior --for now. When she is calm I do try to talk to her and explain to her about things and her behavior. I hope one day it gets thru.
On and on a final note. I did not get Hannah Montana tickets.. the whole thing is a scam. Ticketmaster had no tickets to give. I could have gotten the nosebleed tix from the presale, but gave them up .. Hindsight, at least I could have sold them. I hate how popular concerts like these are only for those who "know someone" , or are in the "business", or are for ticket scalpers and the rich parents who are willing pay the prices.. I wont go that far at this point. I will keep trying, but not for the outrageous markups. I dont know if ANYONE can do ANYTHING About the monopoly of ticketmaster and how these thigns are handled. It really made Disney look bad.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Is it too late for boarding school?
Today the kids went to school and Felix and I went to services for Rosh Hashana. Then we went to the gym. I came home and checked on work. I know being Rosh Hashana I should not wish this, but this one customer, it would be nice if they somehow disappeared. ARGGGGG She DRIVES ME and EVERryONE ELSE ON OUR TEAM CRAZY.
Anyway, I got Jack from the bus stop. While I changed I had felix work with him on homework, just so Felix gets an idea of what I do afterschool. And times it by 2! We went to school to get Alyssa from her keyboarding class. I went to get her backpack and it was soaking wet! I saw her water bottle and thought that was it, but when I opened it up to take everything out I found the root cause----She had a big baggie with her "rocks" and she had it also filled with water, making a muddy mess!!!!! OF course it figures that this was the day the scholastic books I ordered were delivered. I took the mess out and then threw it all out. I was very calm and when Alyssa came out I made her carry all the books while I had the backpack. Once at the car we talked about punishment. Felix, of course, wanted me to just drop it. I said that she had played with water and baggies before and KNEW what would happen. Her excuse was that she was washing her rocks and ran out of time.... Well once she figured out that teh rocks were gone, the tears and in car tandrum just blew up. Her favorite rock in the whole world was "gone" and what a disaster..... Jack tried to even help and she blew up at him. I was a bad mommy for throwing that mess out. I should have consulted her.. Well at least the "punishment" fit the crime. I have ruined books that I paid for!
We were on our way to synagogue for children's services and then teh service where you throw bread into water to throw away your sins. I brought PLENTY of bread for the kids. Well we got there and Alyssa had stopped crying, but homework never got done in the car. I was very calm about this. After services, Alyssa started a game of "chase" with heer brother and anotheer girl, right there in the santuary!!! I , unfortunately had to pull JAck aside, as he is easier to reason with and separate. Meanwhile it was raining out. We went anyway to the park and Felix went to the kids to the stream, where other members of our temple were, to throw the bread in. On the car ride home alyssa did her Language arts and Math homework. Now comes the famous discussion about dinner. Felix decided to not really eat today so he was cranky and hungry. And of course wanted what he wanted, but FINALLY a restaurant was picked. I did not want to go .
I had so much stuff to due around the house. Clean the backpack, empty the dishwasher, fold and put away the laundry. I asked the kids to help. Well no luck with Alyssa. I also came to find out that she got yellow light today for the 1st time. ARGGG . She tried to blame another kid , but I knew better.
Well FElix is now having enuf of her, and he loses it with her when she backtalks him. She keeps crying and now wants me to cook her pasta. Also she goes ahead against what we told her and does a "science experiment" with toothpaste and soap , in her room!!!! luckily nothing on the carpet but I had prevously said no. Well I had been calm and I had asked her to put herself in timeout. She kept talking back and I took away her american girl doll finally... that put heer over the edge. SHE FINALLY went to her screaming in timeout. She came out 10 minutes later and did apologize to me (as she wanted something from me, pasta). So felix went out to dinner with JAck to make sure that Jack ate complete junk, (chicken fingers, fries, lemonaide, and ice cream... argggg). I did make Alyssa dinner but then all she did was watch TV. I asked her to clean up the mess she made in the toy room. I finally had to turn off the TV. Felix got home and she was looking for an ace bandage and got mad again and knocked over our garbage can. Felix asked her to pick it up and she refused.. well he dragged her back to do it. Then at bedtime, she of course, wants me to "lay down with her, and she gets all remorseful. She says that when she was angry she wrote a nasty note to me, but then threw it out. I am not against her doing that and it was a smart thing to do. I know adults that write "fake" anger notes.
So at this point I dont know what to do !. I feel as if I am trying my best to not yell anymore and stay calm, but last sunday and now today, arggg. And last night she got enuf sleep. I am suppose to reward her when she controls herself, but she is not earning it. And I dont like getting in trouble at school. yesterday I got an email from her teacher that she was improving on completing her work and doing much better.
So between JAck doing his thing, where he has trouble at other peoples homes (and who knows if he will ever get invited again to his new friends house). I dont remember if I wrote that he cried there when at the end, after being asked previously if he wanted to go swimming, that he all of sudden wanted to. JAck is so good with me at home, especially when alyssa is not around, but has trouble being a model kid elsewhere. And then there is Alyssa who is so acting teenager and is not even one yet! we are in a boatload of trouble. I am at my wits end. Since she does behave well outside of the home, maybe she does need to spend more time with her grandparents, over breaks and such .. And her behavior is not going to let Felix allow her to fly alone , which sucks. I need that for Xmas break. I need to send her to my folks in FL and just keep JAck around. I also dont understand why she does stupid things still! I dont see other girls doing things like filling water in a big baggie of rocks, or trying to smash them with a hammer, or a million other things that she does. We have a therapist appt in 2 weeks again. I really hope she can help.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
what a day!
Felix went to work early yesterday so bus stop was all mine. the usual rush. UGGGG . I hate doing the morning by myself. Felix did not premake the milks, so Jack decided he would do it. He forgot Alyssa's coffee flavorings. So I had to fix that, but at least he got his correct (hersheys syrup in the milk). Once at work it was quiet.. .I did manage to lock in a good rate for natural gas for this winter. Something I forget to do at times. It was almost too quiet (unlike today, which I just got a call from our least favorite pain in the ass customer). I knew the day was goin to be busy when we left.
Got the kids from the bus.
Jack had no homework as his teacher misplaced it.
Alyssa had a b unch of busywork. I was suprised how well she did with it. She had to number her spelling words a=1 b=2, etc and she did it in number order, as opposed to word by word. Interesting. Then Jack has speech. Felix was to pick him up. I left to take Alyssa to see the therapist. She ended up liking her. She was hesitant to go. Apparently she spend a lot of time saying how much she doesnt like her brother. I figured all her dislike would be for me. So we came up with this color system and reward. If she moves from "green and peaceful" towards yellow and getting upset/angry, if Alyssa can then put herself in timeout and get back to green, she gets a reward (basically a quarter since we can make it like she completed a chore). We want to prevent "red" and out of control anger. Big thing to stop hitting Jack when she is annoyed by him.
Anyway, I had gotten tacos for her while waiting for her to finish. She ate on the way to JAck;s baseball game that had started at 6:15. Of course, Felix never fed him dinner. (he was not hungry... well the game is long, make him eat something! ). Felix left to do this career thing. JAck did GREAT at baseball. Did he hit the ball, no.... but did he not complain and show great sportsmanship, yes!!! Best he ever did. He even hustled at times. I need to work with him on his timing and I think he will improve. It was a close game. HE does have a good team, with some kids that are 8, versus 6. (have to turn 7 this year)
Got the kids home and both needed showers, the backpacks needed packing, etc. Jack has a playdate after school and needed a swimsuit and clothes (today was pajama day) and a note. Alyssa needed her reading log signed. the both needed to go to bed. :)
This morning Jack woke up early and in a such a great mood! He is sooo excited about his playdate today. Alyssa has one as well at the rink.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
not a good day :(
They are both in the car and the crying mixed with screaming begins. I am calm the entire time. Each one says the other gets all the attention. And Alyssa just screams more while JAck cries more. Every time Jack talks it gets Alyssa more worked up. She wishes he was never born. She hits again. Nothing I can do while I am driving. WE get home and both need dinner as JAck has baseball soon.
Alyssa needs to fill out a behavior form. Also because of the mean things she said to me I am not making her lunch tomorrow. Too bad, she will have to eat the school lunch. At one point she says that she wished we would get divorced so she could live with Felix and not have JAck around. (also the point that she wants to be with daddy , not mommy, as daddy gives in to her all the time).
Felix , of course, is mad that I even walked away. He doesnt believe in that. Also he tells me I shouldnt take both kids with me to the store. well I wouldnt have to if he was around more. He is mad that now school has started and all this stuff, and his gym time has been cut down. Well mine is almost non existant. maybe 2 times a week! Last week i had curriculum night 2 nights. I needed him home, or on Tuesdays he has to take Alyssa to hebrew school. If he would let us switch synagogues to one closer that wouldnt be an issue. Yet he is all pissy at me that he doesnt have gym time. Well then I have no grocery or target time without both kids (one kid or another and none of this would have happened).
On a different note, i got a notice from school that someone in the 1st grade has lice. My kids better not get it. I am using the tea tree shampoo for sure. Jack was not checked so probably not in his class.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
met with the therapist yesterday...
Yesterday was a good day with teh kids during homework. Then we had our activities. Baseball from waht JAck played last year to this year is a big difference. Its "real" now. He says he likes baseball, but is very frustrated. You can tell his much weaker than everyone else. I guess their dads go play with them every weekend or something? They were trying to correct Jack's stance and he was very unfortable with it. He just wanted to do it "his way". I wish they would have let him first do it "his way" and then corrected him. But oh well. Alyssa had hebrew school and we got home all around 7:30. Had to shower and do dinner. Meanwhile JAck goes potty and doesnt wipe real good and then goes a head and sits on my bed! now I have laundry to add to my list.
Teh goood news... I told Alyssa lights out at 8:30 and after getting to bed I went to turn her lights out and she had done so already. ! that was a first and really cool.
This morning our boy cat , right in front of felix, pissed on his drycleaning laundry basket. So now we know "who" has been doing that. The funny thing is that my laundry never gets pee'd on. Felix is not HAPPY.
Monday, September 03, 2007
pictures of Alyssa and the cats.
our not so busy weekend turned busy!

This morning felix went to work. the kids and myself got up around 8ish. Alyssa is mad at felix for not taking her mp3 player out of the car. Later we are suppose to go to to the club and bring some friends whose kids are Jacks age (twin girls). I certainly hope I can get the kids to bed by 8 or 8:30. I hope that alyssa doesnt have any more meltdowns. I know that last night while the friends were ove rI should have given her coffee to calm heer down, but except for certain situations, like school, or the skating competition, etc. I dont want to overpush the coffee. tomorrow we are going to meet with a therapist for Alyssa. (felix and I). Jack has baseball and Alyssa has hebrew school. Wed is gymnastics and theatre. Thursday Alyssa starts keyboarding after school. Jack has another baseball practice. Sat we may sign jack up for cubscouts and we may go to the water park.