Friday, May 30, 2008


And to continue....

Now where was I..... (its a tiring morning, laast nights swim meet lasted until after 10pm!)

The neighborhood. Yes I am president. I really dont feel like I am qualified. I can never get a board meeting together. I am also not a very strong person when it comes to arguing. I really HATE conflict and tend to back down or not bring things up. Well I was doing an OK job, and then came "the shed". I neighbor, who is also a friend of mine, had been fighting the HOA for many years over a shed that they put up. They claim it got approved even though it never did. Well the stipulation was that when they sold their house the shed had to go. Of course, my neighbor lists the shed when they go to sell! She is also a RE agent. So she knew what she was doing. This caused the previous HOA/board to call me, mainly the women I term (and many others do as well), the witches of HC. They are very strong personality women, whom have run this neighborhood for years, and one of which is impossible to have a conversation with! She is just very defensive all the time and always has to be right. Well they were all up in arms and on my doorstep every day. I had the ACC lead send a letter to the homeowners, but it got "lost". By the time they sent a 2nd letter the house was now under contract. Time for me to contact our attorney. (I am the only one who can). Getting phone calls about this shed as well as convo's with the witches and other people on both sides of the issue. Finally, lucky for me, the seller had the buyers agent contact me about why the shed could not remain where it was (it is seen from the road). I then explained about it being "illegal" aka never being approved. So luckily her buyers demanded that the shed now come down. I would have to believe that they also asked for a price cut, but I am not privy to this. Meanwhile elections are coming up and I am trying to get everything together. One board member is very elusive is hard to get a hold of.
Meanwhile, as bad a job I think I am doing, people want me to remain and rerun for the board . I dont mind the board, but president really doesnt suit me fine. the KIDs love that I am "president". It makes their mommy seem important.

Well now that is off my chest. Paranoid issue of hte day.... Why is Alyssa's friend's mom, who no longer lives near by, ignoring us. We have called several times. Also sent email... Talk about insecure.... I think ... " what have I done wrong"..... instead of maybe that its nothing. Wonder where Alyssa gets it from ....

Sunday, May 25, 2008


ok. here is the real update...

I am going to do it. I have some quiet time right. Both kids are reading. Friday was the last day of school. Alyssa has been so good lately. I almost think that school was really stressing her out, even if not directly. I dont know when the shoe will drop, but its been wonderful.

Anyway, these days money is just flying out the door. I am so happy that Alyssa got into High Meadows. It was a great accomplishment since they make a large portion of their decision on when your child spent the day. She apparently impressed them. It also helped that I attended all the open houses and I was very flexible when they needed her. They want parents who will be involved. What I dont know is how I am going to handle two schools, with different hours, including one that is a 15 min drive away. Working on carpool. Also to maintain my work schedule. So I paid that. In the meantime, we found out that under our garage was "hollow". So we had to get a concrete company out to pump cement/concrete. I did nto want the house to sink! When the builder built the home, he did not pack the land down enough. The 1st owners had this fixed, but since more has settled . Also our deck needs work. I should have never hired a friends friend to build the extension. Can you believe that it cost 1300$ to sand, pressure wash, and restain a deck! Ok, now as if shelling out over 5K to do house repairs was not enough, along comes Alyssa's big psychological exam. This is not covered by insurance. We had her diagnosed with ADD from one of hte smaller tests, but decided to do full testing based on recommendations from her therapist, and that Felix wanted it done.
Let me backtrack... one of felix's torah study was about "Was Moses ADD". Turns out our rabbi's daughter is ADD. They had some experts come in and talk as well. This finally opened up Felix's eyes and he wanted the testing. THe results:
Alyssa is mild/moderate ADD. She has no LD's though (learning disabilitities) and is above avg in those tests. here memory is phenominal. Her IQ is above avg on testing, but the ADD makes it a bit lower than it really is. She may have mild depression. Even though she does good in school, she sttill has some social skills issues where she lets things get to her. The therapist is going to work with her on that. We had an incident at school where the mean girls stuff started. Notes being passed around. Also she had this one friend in the class and the other girls were always trying to take her away from alyssa. I am SOO happy that she is at the new school. I know that kids are kids, but at the new school, this is much less prevalent.

Wow, I have digressed from the house costing us a fortune to Alyssa's issues. I have not even talked about her impusivity, mixed with her creativity , which usually is what gets her in trouble at home. (yes, my dining room wall needs to be repainted now). Its funny after the fact, but not at the time. I certainly dont want to stiffle her creativity. It many ways its such a great trait. You can see it in her skating, her drama/singing/dancing. Her art work.

Back on target, it just seems these days that bill after bill is coming in. Summer day camp costs money, even if I dont use the most expensive camps. thats not an expense I have during hte year. Also, the synagogue just keeps going up and up. I sometimes wish I was christian and could "pay as I go". The churches seem to get enough money without forcing it on people. The Bible schools and camps are next to free. Not sure why this wont work in the Jewish model.

Wow, I have not mentioned Jack's name at all. His BIG issue right now is his desire to win. Swim team works real well because he is basically competing against himself. He cannot blame someone else, like in tennis... such as "they hit the ball too low", or "I was not ready", or the million other things. Also, Jack never shuts up. There was an incident at school that got him in trouble when he refused to watch a video in music class because they were showing Elmo. He knows what he wants. I always here a "but mommy.....". He does need to learn respect of authority figures. Not sure how to instill this in him. There are punishments and rewards. I also fear what will happen when school is no longer easy for him. But Jack is still very self entertaining, and charming, and also is a harmonizer. he hates it when we argue in this family.

wow I have not even gotten to my all neighborhood fun. more later...

Monday, May 12, 2008


update soon...

Will update with the following

1. the money pit (known as our house)
2. the stress of being HOA president
3. Alyssa and the new school . She got accepted!
4. Alyssa update
5. Jack update (including RIP the tadpole)
6. summer plans update

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