Friday, September 28, 2007


taken from other postings...

Here are some things posted on other blogs, boards, etc.

yesterday Alyssa and I had our therapy appt. Alyssa was in a really good mood yesterday. partly because they got penpals in school with children from NJ and partly because I think she wanted to go see the therapist. SHe even wrote the therapist a thank you note before we went! We had a session with both of us. Alyssa was wiggly the whole time, but did pay attention.

Alyssa and I came up with a few "rules". Everytime she is following the rules she gets a reward (sticker to eventually earn something). The rules for us were thing like.
1. no lying2. stopping yourself from making a stupid decision (aka instead of climbing the closet, ask a parent for help)3. stopping self from tantrum.
We also talked about ways of which I can approach Alyssa about things. For example, when asking the kids to do something, ask them to repeat it back. Also, if she stays something nasty, as for her to rephrase it again in a better way. Ask how she could have done something differently.

Alyssa also came up wtih rules for me, such as no yelling and when I get upset to write it down and send her a letter (she has email and an envelop outside her door that Jack and herself would write notes to each other). Alyssa is one smart girl when she wants to be. The therapist was shocked at some things, such as when she says "yes maam" and also for the thank you note.

Now onto JAck. I posted this on my mommy list:

Jack has gotten into pokemon. when asked about his birthday all hewants is pokemon stuff. If he finds out another kid is into pokemon,he is at least socializing finally! Pokemon has had another benefit,which is based on the previous entries.... He has turned his behavioraround completely! I have found the carrot!!!!!!In school he has only gotten his clip moved once. His current teacherthinks he is such a wonderful child. He gets all "s" on his weeklyreports. Last year we went only one week with no behavior issues(arguing back with the teacher).Then there is the Dentist. Jack's chart has been marked as "problemchild" . They did not want afternoon appt's for him. I promised him anew pack of cards for good behavior and guess what!!! today he wasthe model patient. I could not believe it! The took that sticker offhis chart. Go Jack.

Now onto me:

yesterday I had one of my migraine headaches. I really need to go back the DR and try different meds again. THe meds will kill it for about 12 hours and then it comes back again for about 24. I wish I could knock it out for good. I did Work from home when I felt up to it. I knew by 2:45 I just had to get my act together.

My insecurities are out again. With Jack's party coming, every "no" that I get, I take personally in some respects.. Moreso with the kid in his class that he had this one playdate with. I dont think the mom likes me and Jack, which is very sad. I almost dont want to try to pursue further playdates, but Jack needs them. Also, since he cant make the birthday party, and neither can another boy that is in his class, I am now thinking , should I just invite all the boys anyway. I have kids from outside his class who are coming, but I would like him to have a few from his classroom. This is not an all boys party, so then its "what about the girls". I dont want to just invite the whole class and that would be too many kids. Having social skills as a mommy is sooo important to help our kids with their social skills.

Speaking of social skills. It looks like Alyssa is doing better in that dept. Not so much at school still, but outside of school she is making friends. When Jack takes gymnastics on Wed she plays with this other girl whose sister also takes gymnastics. She does have a friend in her classroom this year, so that is good as well. I dont hear too many social Whines from her.

Other musings... I let my kids watch Kid Nation. The other day they were killing a chicken and warned about that. Alyssa did not want to watch, so she did not (though she almost wanted to peek). Jack was excited about it. Since they chop the head off, it was interesting to see the chicken still active and thus the expressions "like a chicken with its head cut off!" My kids also watch the real survivor. I know that Jack just likes to watch the challenges. In some ways I think these shows are almost better than the Disney Channel stuff that makes Alyssa want to grow up faster than she should.

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