Thursday, September 06, 2007


not a good day :(

I am ready to cry . The kids came home and did their homework. Then Jack went on the computer and alyssa played her favorite game "broken leg". I had to go to target, so we went. It was ok, until the end when they were hungry. But at this target there was nothing that Alyssa really wanted. Jack really really wanted the pepperoni pizza. Well I went to check out and they were going at it with each other so I nixed the dinner at the snack bar. Well Alyssa decides right before that she will eat the regular pizza., but with their bahavior I could not do it. Well Jack says he is not going anywhere and he is going to eat there. He starts to pitch a fit. I have my hands full and say I am going to the car. I wish Alyssa had followed but now she is upset with her brother and while I am outside the store, they have sttill not followed. I quickly put my stuff away and Alyssa comes out and says that she has been hitting and kicking jack. I was appauled. So I am on my way in and an employee comes out with Jack and gives me a dirty look. I honestly was not going to leave them there and was trying to say that when I leave I mean it. I did not count on Jack being kicked and hit by Alyssa. SO I look like I left a child who has been abused by his sister in a store. So the entire point, that if mommy is leaving she is leaving, came out poorly.

They are both in the car and the crying mixed with screaming begins. I am calm the entire time. Each one says the other gets all the attention. And Alyssa just screams more while JAck cries more. Every time Jack talks it gets Alyssa more worked up. She wishes he was never born. She hits again. Nothing I can do while I am driving. WE get home and both need dinner as JAck has baseball soon.
Alyssa needs to fill out a behavior form. Also because of the mean things she said to me I am not making her lunch tomorrow. Too bad, she will have to eat the school lunch. At one point she says that she wished we would get divorced so she could live with Felix and not have JAck around. (also the point that she wants to be with daddy , not mommy, as daddy gives in to her all the time).

Felix , of course, is mad that I even walked away. He doesnt believe in that. Also he tells me I shouldnt take both kids with me to the store. well I wouldnt have to if he was around more. He is mad that now school has started and all this stuff, and his gym time has been cut down. Well mine is almost non existant. maybe 2 times a week! Last week i had curriculum night 2 nights. I needed him home, or on Tuesdays he has to take Alyssa to hebrew school. If he would let us switch synagogues to one closer that wouldnt be an issue. Yet he is all pissy at me that he doesnt have gym time. Well then I have no grocery or target time without both kids (one kid or another and none of this would have happened).

On a different note, i got a notice from school that someone in the 1st grade has lice. My kids better not get it. I am using the tea tree shampoo for sure. Jack was not checked so probably not in his class.

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