AT first it did not look like we had a whole lot planned for this weekend, but then things got crazy. A friend called Thursday about going to dinner friday night. So I got a sitter. There is a new high school girl across the cul de sac. Since the big football game was not until Sat night she was avail. The kids came home from school on friday and they both had good weeks. Anyway, it came time to go out, and my friend calls to say that her sitter canceled so now it was just felix and I. So we head downtown to this restaurant amiss all the traffic. There was a Braves and Falcon game going on.! It took an hour. THe restaurant was a known one that had a deal for 25 pp for appetizer, main course, dessert. Right when we were getting done, the sitter calls. We lost electricity again! it rained by us, but not downtown. So she brought the kids to her house since her parents and older brother were all home. I ended up socializing with her parents while felix took the kids home.
Later that night my headache had not gotten better, so I took stronger stuff.That gave me heartburn at 5am, so i took tums. that gave me a bad tummy ache. I was miserable and in pain! So eventually I did feel a bit better and slept i some. Because of that we did not get to the g ym until 11. A friend of mine's friend is also jewish and her daughter goes to the same camp taht Alyssa went to (different session this past summer). So they will be together next summer. the kids went to the pool for a while and then we had to leave to take Alyssa for skating lessons. Jack wanted to skate as well. So off the rink we went with a quick stop at home. Alyssa had her lessons, but as usual complained a bunch. When her and her skating friend get together, its crazy. The are very similar in some ways that makes it so that they both dont make good choices. AFter lessons we decided last minute to go to the end of summer celebration at a high school. We got there early so the kids go to do the jumpy stuff before it got crowded. We also got good parking. The kids then played all over the bleechers, which was fine. BUT at one point Alyssa and her friend went beyond where we wanted them to go. It was getting close to the fireworks time and we were going to stay to just watch a bit of them because we ehad to be up so early on Sunday for the competition. Well Alyssa just started to melt when I got upset with her for wandering again. So off to the car we went. She did apologize for her behavior then. Jack and Felix came a bit later.
We got home and the kids went to bed. Sunday morning we got up 7! to get out of the house by 7:45 for Alyssa's skating competition. We got her some iced coffee and yes, we all ate Mcdonalds for breakfast. We got there and Alyssa skated her elements. She did good, but alas, came in 3rd. The kid who won, a boy, barely did anything! I am not sure how they scored it. I maybe think she did "too much" and maybe got deductions? That same boy, during the later freeskate (with 1 min of music) fell . We did have a lot of time to kill between the comp's. They had a lot of venders selling stuff. Alyssa did get a new skating outfit. We also socialized some with the other kids from our rink that we knew. This was not in our home rink. Then Alyssa's friend came to watch her. Her friend that skates with her did not want to do a competition. The rink hehre was FREEZING. Good thing I brought jackets for Jack and myself. Much colder than our rink. Anyway, Alyssa skated the best she ever has, with arms and everything, but in heer group of 4 she was the smallest. They do it by age and you could tell she was also the youngest ans the smallest of heer group. If she had been in the group before she would have not placed laast. This really devestated heer. She worked so hard and really did do well for her. After she skated we decided to not stick around for metals and just go home. JAck fell asleep on the car ride home.
There is a picture at the top of hte blog of her skating. She is also on youtube:
THe kids relaxed and watched TV. I was on the computer and did laundry. Around 5pm the natives were getting restless so I called our old Sunday school carpool friends and they happened to be home. THey were in Hilton head but the weather was so bad there , they came home early. So we invited them over for dinner. Well the subdued natives, mostly named, alyssa decided to come alive. She became very bossy. Also, since the kid her age is a boy, she became obnoxious as well. That is how she is around boys. ARGGG.. the kids did eat outside on the deck, which the grownups ate inside at teh kitchen table. They stayed until 830 ish. Then after some TV it was time for bed. Well overtired Alyssa completely melted down again. She wnated to sleep on the couch. Whatver, but she also wanted 10 other things. So by 10! we finally made heer go to her bad, hating us and all.
This morning felix went to work. the kids and myself got up around 8ish. Alyssa is mad at felix for not taking her mp3 player out of the car. Later we are suppose to go to to the club and bring some friends whose kids are Jacks age (twin girls). I certainly hope I can get the kids to bed by 8 or 8:30. I hope that alyssa doesnt have any more meltdowns. I know that last night while the friends were ove rI should have given her coffee to calm heer down, but except for certain situations, like school, or the skating competition, etc. I dont want to overpush the coffee. tomorrow we are going to meet with a therapist for Alyssa. (felix and I). Jack has baseball and Alyssa has hebrew school. Wed is gymnastics and theatre. Thursday Alyssa starts keyboarding after school. Jack has another baseball practice. Sat we may sign jack up for cubscouts and we may go to the water park.
# posted by sandy @ 7:21 AM