Tuesday, September 11, 2007
what a day!
Felix went to work early yesterday so bus stop was all mine. the usual rush. UGGGG . I hate doing the morning by myself. Felix did not premake the milks, so Jack decided he would do it. He forgot Alyssa's coffee flavorings. So I had to fix that, but at least he got his correct (hersheys syrup in the milk). Once at work it was quiet.. .I did manage to lock in a good rate for natural gas for this winter. Something I forget to do at times. It was almost too quiet (unlike today, which I just got a call from our least favorite pain in the ass customer). I knew the day was goin to be busy when we left.
Got the kids from the bus.
Jack had no homework as his teacher misplaced it.
Alyssa had a b unch of busywork. I was suprised how well she did with it. She had to number her spelling words a=1 b=2, etc and she did it in number order, as opposed to word by word. Interesting. Then Jack has speech. Felix was to pick him up. I left to take Alyssa to see the therapist. She ended up liking her. She was hesitant to go. Apparently she spend a lot of time saying how much she doesnt like her brother. I figured all her dislike would be for me. So we came up with this color system and reward. If she moves from "green and peaceful" towards yellow and getting upset/angry, if Alyssa can then put herself in timeout and get back to green, she gets a reward (basically a quarter since we can make it like she completed a chore). We want to prevent "red" and out of control anger. Big thing to stop hitting Jack when she is annoyed by him.
Anyway, I had gotten tacos for her while waiting for her to finish. She ate on the way to JAck;s baseball game that had started at 6:15. Of course, Felix never fed him dinner. (he was not hungry... well the game is long, make him eat something! ). Felix left to do this career thing. JAck did GREAT at baseball. Did he hit the ball, no.... but did he not complain and show great sportsmanship, yes!!! Best he ever did. He even hustled at times. I need to work with him on his timing and I think he will improve. It was a close game. HE does have a good team, with some kids that are 8, versus 6. (have to turn 7 this year)
Got the kids home and both needed showers, the backpacks needed packing, etc. Jack has a playdate after school and needed a swimsuit and clothes (today was pajama day) and a note. Alyssa needed her reading log signed. the both needed to go to bed. :)
This morning Jack woke up early and in a such a great mood! He is sooo excited about his playdate today. Alyssa has one as well at the rink.