Tuesday, January 29, 2008


its been a while...

I know its been a while. I continue to , for some reason, lose interest in posting here, yet there are things that I want to post. I wish what was in my head would magically appear on the page. Anyway, next week felix goes away for a trip to KC, so everything is up to me. I will be the single mom. Not too thrilled. With him WFH, not that he can do things, but he is home and I can leave a kid or two behind at times. Also no worries about meeting the bus on time. Now I will have to worry about that, as well gettin the kids off all by myself in the am. Not to mention everywhere else. I have to do Hebrew school and bring Jack along. I did that once before, but not thrilled.

alyssa keeps doing "impulse" things. You do laugh afterwards, but she needs to start thinking more. But she did say that they other day she wanted to lash out at a poster that was in our garage and stopped herself from doing so. So we are making progress.

A strange thing lately is the amount of deaths that have been occuring. Relatives, friend's relatives, customers. Many of them sorta out of the blue types. Some known to be coming. Its very eerie.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


report cards...

Report cards came home. I must not see all ofAlyssa's graded stuff, as if I avg'd it out in some classes she woudl be getting B's, but to my shock and happiness, she got straight A's. The big issue now is that Jack as reverted back to back behavior. So we are working his reward system.

Yesterday was a long day. It was my BFF's mother in law's memorial service. SHe passed away last friday night after coming home from the hospital. I luckily found people to take my kids and FElix and I went to the memorial service and to sit shiva afterwards. Even in time of sadness, my friend throws some party. The food was incredible. I am feeling very guilty as I type this.
I *LOVE* my new DVR and DISH. Short term much much cheaper than cable. long term, probably not as much, but still cheaper then cable and a DVR from them or TIVO.

Tonight is crazy again. This whole week is. But that is the life of a mother.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I fired the cable company!

THe cable company raised their rates again (65$ just to have cable!), so we finally got a Dish. With it came a DVR. So I dont have to get Tivo. For the 1st 6 months its about 60$ a month and depending on what we want to do with the HD afterwards (over the network or full) it will go up either 5 or 20$. Still cheaper than cable with a DVR (or TIVO). my cable was about 90$ at this point with HD. A tivo would have added 10$.
I did keep "basic" cable for a few months just in case something goes wrong , or we have storm issues.

Felix got a job from where he has been consulting. In some ways its gonna suck, aka real hours to work, versus when he wants to work, but at least he gets to work from home. VAcation will suck for him as well. I bet he only gets 2 or 3 weeks (tops!) a year. I get 5. I dont know if he will work 4X10 or 5X8. He will have to work Sundays and mondays.

We need to play "bouncing healthcare" again.

The biggest dilemna is to baseball or not to baseball for spring. Jack is not that good, so its probably a good idea to keep it up, but then again, maybe not. If he "skips" a season, that really puts him behind. He does like tennis. So maybe we will do team tennis, and then do baseball in the fall. Or should we try baseball one more time in the spring and do summer/fall tennis. I also have to start putting my camp schedule together.

My brain is really hurting here about all this stuff.

Thursday, January 03, 2008



Well alas, the kids break is coming to an end. Alyssa is coming home tomorrow. she had the best time in Fl. On top of her cousins being there, which she likes 10X having her brother, the girls that she loves were there with their Dad. Come to find out that they might be going to attend the same camp that Alyssa does. THe weather was perfect. Now lets not discuss the behavior of my sister in law. She did not lift a finger. Worse than the kids. my poor mother. Alyssa had one meltdown of mention. Other issues sometimes, but that is Alyssa.. AT least I am no longer being blamed for her issues. Note that my father called her "fragile". Aka emotionally fragile. Jack enjoyed his time here. He did go to camp some, but Felix took him to a football game, we went bowling, we played some games, etc. The weather here... not good much. So the arrangement worked out the best of all of us.

Now what is the whine about. WORK!!!!!! First off, I was suppose to work christmas , but have new years off. Well the guy working new years messed up his flights and was leaving in the am instead of the pm. So he needed someone to cover. So that was me. He worked Xmas for me instead. I would have liked it to remain the way it was. In our group, since I worked 2 holiday days out of 3, I worked the most. one other person worked the 2 weeks, but with the holiday's off. So I have not had much of a break. Before the holiday we found out that our area, aka services, is considered to be the bastard child of HP. While in other groups everyone got decent bonuses, which is what hp does instead of raises, we got an AVG of 1%!!!!!! So HR gets 10% and we, who deal wwith the pain in the ass customer's got avg 1%!!!! Some people got nothing. This REALLY SUCKS. Shows us what the company thinks of those of us who deal with the customers after the sale. They never tell us the goals and just whether we met or not.... THe place has gone downhill REAL fast. But with Felix just consulting here and there, nothing I can do.

Well then there are the customers. The Indians are the worse. They just have poor communication skills with each other and with us. Many companies are outsourcing their IT. Makes it harder for us to do our job. I am also getting tired of doing stuff I should not be responsible for. Hardware, other places in the world, etc. We get taken advantage of so much (our group) for our product set. Today has been the worse. The only good thing is that I am working from home.

Anyway, Thats my whine.


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