Tuesday, November 27, 2007


black friday.....

thanks to blackfriday.gottadeal.com !!!!

the things on our "big" list this year

2 navigations (one for felix and one for a friend for their big bday)
one 32 inch LCD HD TV.

We decided for the 2nd, to do the 419$ Olevia at Kmart on Tday. So we got to the line around 4:45 for a 7pm opening and there were 2 others ahead of us. (they had waited in their cars, waiting for a male to arrive for safety reasons). So we were 3rd in line. the big thing was that they had Wii's in stock. Anyway, we had a good time in the line talking to people. I would say that the line got up to around 30 people by the time they opened. WE decided while in line to also get the Wii, even though we dont want one. I did end up reselling it for about 85$ profit. I fell bad sort of, but I am not asking what others are. I asked 350, and I did stand in line for it. With tax we paid 265. I saw many people asking 400$ for it. If a friend wanted it , I would not make any profit. My friends who wanted one, did manage to get one already though. Anyway, I also wanted the 19.99 earings that were originally 99.99, for Alyssa. We got the tickets for the Wii and the TV. they had 40 of them. Anyway, I went for the earings 1st. They did not have that many of them. Felix stood in line for the WII. I got the TV and 2 board games, as they were B1g1 free.

when checking out their credit card thing rejected both our credit cards..! could nto understand why. it had to be their system, but the retrying caused both our credit cards to be put on "hold". we found this out the next day. We fixed the problem, but it ended up messing me up in terms of all my charges going on one place.

The manager of KMart did a very good job. I think Kmart is doing a turn around.

The next day was the big day. I wanted small things from target/walmart/walgreens. I always get walgreens 1.99 Tide. So Staples was the place to be. They had 2 navigation systems around 100$, plus a Digital camera (last minute decision) , plus a laptop for 350$. Even without the cold, there was no way we could do the camp out at best buy. We are not that young anymore!!! So Tday dinner ended around 10 and off to bed we went, after getting up around 4 the day before. up at 3. At 3:30 we were already around 25 in line. so no laptop :(. I was beginning to worry about the navigation. Well pep boys had one of the navi's that we wanted for about 20$ more, but still a deal. They were up the street. So at 5am felix went there and got one. We did get a ticket for the other, right at 6 whe n staples opened. staples was not as well run as Kmart. We also got a ticket for the bluetooth for 15$ for my mom. All those things and what I thought was all the digital cameras were to be paid for at the copy center. needless to say the line was crazy there. We waited for about an hour. We also got a power suppy that was on sale. With the camera came a free AR printer. So I grabbed it. I asked about an Mp3 and was told the wrong info. We got the front of the line and they did not have the camera. Aka they never had it in stock. So no camera/free printer. We got the navigation and power supply. missed out on the mp3 as well, but got it from them online later. Also, just to note, online I had ordered on Tday another bluetooth for 19.99 for us.

Went over to walgreens in the same shopping center and got the keychain, reading glasses for felix, and detergent.

Walmart was up the street. While in line for staples, we fixed the Visa issue, but still had the AMex issue, which I then fixed later. In walmart we got the similar Digital camera, but no free printer :(. Also an outfit for Alyssa that was only 8$.
next was michaels. Got picture frames. Had a coupon for 25% off.
Then linen and things. Had 20% off coupon. Got this candy claw thing for 19.99 on sale. plus 20%. oh, circuit city still had a line to get into the store. Wanted to check out DS games, but said forget it.
Then target, parking hard, due to best buy being in the same center. Got the DS starter kit there. not a big price reduction, but something neat for Jack. Got a game on sale for him as well. Got myself some of the women's clothes that were on sale. sunblock and some other toiletries we needed.

Made it back to my moms by 9ish. took the kids to the beach. Felix got to sleep for 4 hours. I tried to sleep on the beach in a cabana, but never quite did it. I cannot fall asleep anywhere and anytime, like most guys can.

That night I crashed before 9 and woke up at 7!!!!

Overall, except for the laptop, I got what I wanted. Tday at Kmart was the best.


finding it hard to keep up....

I know it has been over a year, and while I enjoy blogging, I much prefer what I think about putting in the blog than typing it. I am getting lazy and cutting and pasting from some of my email lists. I was going to do that today for my favorite holiday, black friday!

had a decent trip to FL. The weather was nice and the kids loved being on the beach. The pool being repaired did not help matters, but it was ok. The problem was once the kids were upstairs, Alyssa, especially, would get "bored". My mom has TV, some computer games, and some board games.. But Jack would want one thing and Alyssa something else. I would ask her to read a book. I also had to make sure that they did not "trash" the place. The good news is thsat I kept a pretty decent bedtime for them, so the adjustment was not bad. They woke up around the same time they usually do for school. I found though, that the sun rises earlier in FL, and also, that because its warmer, the kids got up easier than here.

Alyssa was sad because the girls she made friends iwth down there were not with their dad. The people from Long Island that have a boy about Alyssa's age and a 4 year old, were. The mom is russian. Jack really bonded well with the boy and played nicely. I really think he is slowly getting those social skills.
Jack also , as we thought, got easily addicted to his DS. Now that we are home I am hoping to wean him off it. I did get him more games for chanukah though, as it was easy. Also some board games. I guess I should play with them, versus letting them play with each other. I just never loved board games though. Also, we now have a TV in the "toy room" where theri computer is (our small living room) for his Gamecube. he will probably play more now that there is a dedicated TV to it. once again I have to watch it. I do make sure that he has swimming and gymnastics and gets outside to play when it is nice. I need to be sure to put him in "camp" during winter break, even if felix will be home.
Their schoolwork before we left was the usual. Jack, all great, and Alyssa managed to get a "C" on one test. Her ITBS scores came back. She did very well in math, which is what she hates the most, but as in all sections, she had some really great scores and some very weak ones within the sections. One math section she scored a 97%tile, but another around 70. But overall Math was her strongest, along with reading and science. Social studies and language arts was her weakest. Which is just like me.. BUT BUT she LIKES the subjects that is her weakest. So I just dont get it. On the Reading they said she was a 5th grade level, but they did the same with math, aka a "higher level" but she still doesnt know certain things like division, so I find that info false. Now in math they are doing geometry, which she seems to like lots better than computational math (addition/subtraction). Of course, in the car ride home, she managed to figure out that my clock is 5 minutes fast, and that the navigation said we would arrive at a certain time, and figured out how many more minutes, aka the clock said 10:07, the navigation said we would arrive at 10:18, so we had 16 more minutes to go.

I dont know what to think about the omega 3 she is getting. I think it is helping some. She still had a very big meltdown in Fl about Chocolate chip pancakes. The morning after her big surprise for hannah montana , we went to breakfast on the beach. We walked, so we went to the 1st place, which my mom knew about. Anyway, they did not have chocolate chip pancakes. Well the meltdown could out meltdown a 3 year old. She went across the boardwalk to the beach and played saying that she would not eat anything else. I did get her a hot chocolate and eventaully got her to drink that... then back to play. All the food came. We did order her regular pancakes, and FINALLY she did eat them. Several things come to mind.

1. the 1st chapter in "the explosive child" about the kid who find no more waffles in the freezer. I understand that Alyssa had this "thought" that breakfast on the beach included CC pancakes and not having them, her brain could not handle it. But since we did not *KNOW* that she was thinking that all she wanted was CC pancakes, and we also did not *KNOW* that we went somewhere that did not have them, I cant think of how to the technique in the book, would work. We were not going to switch restaurants, which was her "solution". For many reasons. One being that the next place was much further, and we walked. JAck was tired. She, at one point even said "I hate this restaurant, I want to break their windows". I know she did not mean this, but having her say that was disconcerting in the least. This is something the therapist needs to address.

2. the other thing that comes to mind is that when she is hungry, there is no reasoning with Alyssa. This happened again while stoppin for dinner on the way home, where she wanted drumsticks and felix wanted to get chicken fingers isntead for her, as eating in the car would be easier. You just dont start anything about food when she is hungry. If she is not hungry you can reason with her.

In anycase, I feel like getting the HM tickets were a "Waste" in that the happiness did not even last 24 hours. Though she has told me what a great mom I am since, and I am sure that the tix played a part in it.

Alyssa wants a sleepover for her birthday. Not going to happen. I cannot handle her when seh has a bunch of people over and she gets bossy ,etc. too much headache for me this year, with my parents coming and chanukah at teh same time. just the pottery party....

Now for black friday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well I will post in another post about that....

Saturday, November 17, 2007


catching up...

Geeesh.. this past week was a very bad week at work. Also home life was not much better. I worked a very critical case at work and the customer was pretty much up and down for days. I put in a few extra hours on concalls outside of work. Email at night, etc. Felix caught a cold, so you would have thought that the world was ending
yesterday the kids had a makeup swim lesson. I had to straighten out a mess with FElix's cobra. I had to fax stuff for him (since he *Had* to rest). He has a sorta contracting job to the same client that was the reason why he got laid off from his job(he would work directly for the client that no longer uses his old company for support). I took the kids to the pool and then Alyssa did not want to go to synagogue, where Felix was. Dennis Prager has been there all weekend. The kids were "wild" and would not cut me a break. I finally let alyssa fall asleep in my bed. In the midst of all this I got a migraine and started my period!!!!
Today was not much better. Felix left 1st thing. I still had to pack myself and the kids for our trip to Fl. Then i wanted to go to Macy's for their killer sale.. (and YES I got great bargains). Then I took the kids to the rink where Alyssa had lessoons. Also, this morning before we left they were playing outside and jack got red clay all over his shoes and then on my 1st carpeted stair. That sucked. AFter skating, still with my headache (no matter what I take it always comes back and they last for days, so I just give up), I came home and got more stuff done. Alyssa's friend came over and we took the kids to the park, as felix was FINALLY on his way home around 3 to finish his packing, fix the garage door (needed grease) and then sit and watch TV for 2 hours (really... no kidding). I got home with the kids from park and ice cream and FElix was on the coach. The kids played outside some, but I was very upset with how they have been playing in our front bushes. They brought out tons of stuff , markers, paper, and other things to put back there. That and getting more red clay on them... Not happy.

The past two days i have been yelling more than I want to. I guess the stress is REALLY getting to me.

Well felix left AGAIN for the evening program with Dennis prager. I need to straighten the house out. get the kids to bed (did get them fed), and then get any laast minute stuff done.
Tomorrow when we get up ,(probably around 6ish) we will leave for our 10 hour drive to Florida.
Florida shoudl be fun. The pool is being redone, but we have the beach. We are seeing the rockettes (from NY show), and I have the secret hannah montana tix... THen TDAY, at Kmart... for my 32 inch TV. Then there is Black Friday... oh boy oh boy... more shopping. I have babysitting this year, and FElix doesnt have to work. And we are in the warmth!!! what could be better! We counted our money already (during the year we save singles and put them away and use that money for black friday).
I hope to check in while I am gone

Friday, November 16, 2007


still here...

once again, still here.. work has been a bear.. Kids are ok. I see some improvements from Alyssa since doing the Omega 3's. Jack was upset at cub scouts when they made a mistake regarding his popcorn sales. BUT he held it in until he got home. Thats an improvement.

BEEN also busy planning planning planning my blackfriday... YEAH.... ONE Week away...

feel the excitement.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


work is killing me...

Since monday, I have been working a critical case. Its killing me..... was on the phone for 6 straight hours yesterday.

Its very frustrating when I dont have the answers to fix things and my company makes it harder. Changing to new call system, delayed mail, offshoring engineering, and the list goes on.


Monday, November 12, 2007


what have you done with my daughter?

yesterday Alyssa was, well, pretty well bahaved and "normal". What happened to my daughter?

Its so frustratating that she is slacking in school, has given up making friends in her grade, and so on an so on. So having a good day where she was pleasant, avoided meltdowns, and did things when we asked such as
1. helping me with laundry
2. lettting her brother have the last piece of pizza.
3. not melting at the mall when there was not lemonaide where we were at
4. going to bed pretty easily
5. going to sunday school without a tandrum.
6. Trying Asperagus, even though she did not like it.

Ill take it.. now waiting for the ball to drop. Maybe the DHA is finally kicking in.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007



Alyssa did something really neat after school yesterday. She volunteered with me for project open hand, which prepares about 4000 meals a day for the elderly, sick, and other home bound people. These are specific meals that are nutritious and have Dr's input where its important (diabetic, low fat, etc). Alyssa ended up using this machine that seals bags with rolls and butter in them. She also stacked diabetic brownbags, and put stickers on meals. We did this through my work, but anyone can volunteer.
Of course, we did nto get home until close to 7:30 due to traffic and some homework was "postponed" until 6am this morning :(

While we were there Alyssa behaved beautifully. Of course all that great behavior ended when Alyssa got home. She was hungry (stuck in traffic due to accident ARGGGG) , and did not want to finish her homework then. Felix made her a burger, but it was not good enough.

Several things that came up with my convo with felix.

How can she have ADHD when she behaves so well at other peoples home. I tried to explain that she still has it, but there is no school involved, which is as big thing. Behavior is easier to control, but not the distractibility. But the crying and everything else has got to stop on a daily basis. Once in a while is ok, but this daily stuff STINKS!

Our new plan is to try to get her to eat healthier foods and to make sure that she is well fed. For example, Felix did not give her an after school snack the other day and she cried about thumb
tacking sheets to a wall to make a "stage/curtain". Even as toddler, if she was hungry and not happy about what was being served she would have a meltdown. this is why I have not pressed for better nutrition and let her eat way too many carbs and way too less fruits and veggies, which she dislikes. The meltdowns became not worth it, and I did not want an eating disorder. Even as young as 1 this was going on!. But we really, as she turns 9, need to step up her nutrition. The braces killed me in that raw carrots and apples are out, which were one of the few things I could get her to eat. I have to be more diligent on making pumpkin CC muffins for her as well. I like this one person's idea about hiding other veggies in things. I will have to tried mashed califlower with her. She once ate a leaf of raw spinach. Need to push that more. I will accept canned fruits for now, but fresh would be better. AT least she likes grapes. (jack loves strawberries, bananas, apples, grapes, melon. He also likes broccoli, cucumbers and such).

HMMM an idea is to go to sweet tomatoes. A restaurant with a great salad bar.

Monday, November 05, 2007


Extra kids and "sharpiegate"

Well for a weekend that was suppose to be dull, not the case. Friday night I wanted to take the kids to see the Bee movie. Their first non matinee. I asked a friend who has a son Jack's age and then one that is pre-K. She was not sure. I offered to even take her older one if it was going to be too late for the younger one. This friend is pretty overprotective of her kids. Meanwhile my other friend called that has her DD that is Alyssa's friend since way back in pre school and also her son that is a year older than my friend's young son and over a year younger that jack (in kindy). I mentioned that maybe I could take her kids, as I first offered to take her DD, but she said that both her kids would want to see it. When my other friend called back, she said that she could not make it , but could I take her son. I said sure, but then mentioned my other friend's kid and she got upset because she said her son did not know those kids, and that only really knew Jack. So I called the 2nd friend up and told her it was just too much for me and 5 kids and that the other adult was not coming; to make up for it, I offered to take both her kids for a sleepover Sat night. I ALWAYS get in these situations where I try to make everyone happy and I end up in some way making noone happy; in this case I think I mopped it up enuf to fix it. I was actually pleased that my 1st friend finally trusted me enough with her kid. I have offered many times to take him and she has turned me down.

The movie was fun. I even enjoyed it. After the movie I sent the boys to the bathroom. Little did I know that my friend wanted me to take her almost 7 year old son to the womens room instead. I sent the two boys in together and stood outside the mens room. There were tons of other kids and parents around. I know that Alyssa is already uncomfortable when she is in the girls room and boys come in. Will have to ask if I was out of place.

Sat, Alyssa had skating. she is complaining that the rink is now too cold (compared to teh summer!). well after Sunday morning when she went outside with just a tank top and shorts in 50 degreees she will no longer have a complaint. After skating her friend was going to see the movie. I really wanted to go to the mall. Alyssa wnated to see the movie again with her friend versus going to the mall. So that was done. I guess she really liked it.

Sat night the other friends came over. Jack and the boy played very well together. I got the boys to bed around 10ish. The girls (well mostly Alyssa) were going wild. Alyssa just gets so obnoxious and bossy so much. I know that is part of her ADHD, but I kept warning her to stop. I said no sleepover for her bday if she didnt. She didnt stop. So now I will stick to my word, I hope. I cannot have her behave like this when others are spending the night -its too much. I stettled the girls in the guest room becaues it has a TV and I believe they were asleep by 11.

The girls were up 7ish old time, and 6ish new time. Shortly afterwards they made enough noise that the boys were up. They preceeded to play "slide down the stairs with the sleeping bags". A fun, abeit maybe somewhat dangerous game. I supervised. I did this as a kid. Noone did get hurt and they all had fun. then Alyssa and her friend went outside with their American girl dolls with Alyssa barely wearing much..... Sign..

They left and I ahd to run errands. When I came back I found the kid's scooters by the new neighbor's house. Apparently they had gone over there. Jack likes the kindergartener. Alyssa liked playing with the 4th grade boy, but he prefers the 5th grade tomboy that lives next door. Alyssa feels very excluded. Everyone is hanging out at the basement of hte new neighbor. I know that the tomboys' middle school brother and my other neighbor who is in middle school was over there as well. So we get to sharpiegate......

Jack has a bday party and Alyssa went to the gym with felix.. they came home and she stapled her thumb... Just a bad day for her overall.. Lack of sleep...... Felix brings her to meet me with Jack at the schools "get fit" day at the park. The kids really did not want to many of the group stuff, but prefered to play on the playground. that was ok.

WE got home and the mother of the home called me about some "Graffiti". I came by and by her driveway was written in sharpie "XXXX and XXXX are dum and fat. She spelled the boy's name wrong. FYI the tomboy is a big heavier. Alyssa got angry because was excluded. Well there was also graffiti written on the studs in teh unfinished basement. That one was NOT Alyssa. It said "fuck you man". Alyssa would nto even know to write that, or have a reason to! The problem is that because she had a sharpie and did the other writing, all the kids scapegoated her on that one. I know one of hte middle school boys did it, but they wont confess to anyone, including all the other kids.. Other kids were out (middle school and another grade school) to hear about this and I heard them trying to scapegoat Alyssa on that one. I did interfere and say that it was not her handwriting, nor did she know that phase ---which I am sure of based on questions I asked. She also did not know where in the basement or how it was written (vertical).
I did have Alyssa apologize to the two kids she wrote what she did about and we talked about how she feels left out and was angry with them. She also gave some $$$ to the mom to help pay for stuff to remove the "graffiti" I also talked to Alyssa about sharpies versus chalk. I really really believe that
1. she does not know that phrase.. IF she was to use the F-word, it would not in that context
2. she would not write on walls/wood studs in a house. Concrete yes, inside a house, no.

the mom says that noone is allowed to play in her basement until the person who did it fesses up. Alyssa and I talked about how one of the other kids are lying, and that even if they dont get caught how that is affecting others who can no longer play other there.. how lying is bad, even if you do think you will get away with it.

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