Tuesday, November 27, 2007


black friday.....

thanks to blackfriday.gottadeal.com !!!!

the things on our "big" list this year

2 navigations (one for felix and one for a friend for their big bday)
one 32 inch LCD HD TV.

We decided for the 2nd, to do the 419$ Olevia at Kmart on Tday. So we got to the line around 4:45 for a 7pm opening and there were 2 others ahead of us. (they had waited in their cars, waiting for a male to arrive for safety reasons). So we were 3rd in line. the big thing was that they had Wii's in stock. Anyway, we had a good time in the line talking to people. I would say that the line got up to around 30 people by the time they opened. WE decided while in line to also get the Wii, even though we dont want one. I did end up reselling it for about 85$ profit. I fell bad sort of, but I am not asking what others are. I asked 350, and I did stand in line for it. With tax we paid 265. I saw many people asking 400$ for it. If a friend wanted it , I would not make any profit. My friends who wanted one, did manage to get one already though. Anyway, I also wanted the 19.99 earings that were originally 99.99, for Alyssa. We got the tickets for the Wii and the TV. they had 40 of them. Anyway, I went for the earings 1st. They did not have that many of them. Felix stood in line for the WII. I got the TV and 2 board games, as they were B1g1 free.

when checking out their credit card thing rejected both our credit cards..! could nto understand why. it had to be their system, but the retrying caused both our credit cards to be put on "hold". we found this out the next day. We fixed the problem, but it ended up messing me up in terms of all my charges going on one place.

The manager of KMart did a very good job. I think Kmart is doing a turn around.

The next day was the big day. I wanted small things from target/walmart/walgreens. I always get walgreens 1.99 Tide. So Staples was the place to be. They had 2 navigation systems around 100$, plus a Digital camera (last minute decision) , plus a laptop for 350$. Even without the cold, there was no way we could do the camp out at best buy. We are not that young anymore!!! So Tday dinner ended around 10 and off to bed we went, after getting up around 4 the day before. up at 3. At 3:30 we were already around 25 in line. so no laptop :(. I was beginning to worry about the navigation. Well pep boys had one of the navi's that we wanted for about 20$ more, but still a deal. They were up the street. So at 5am felix went there and got one. We did get a ticket for the other, right at 6 whe n staples opened. staples was not as well run as Kmart. We also got a ticket for the bluetooth for 15$ for my mom. All those things and what I thought was all the digital cameras were to be paid for at the copy center. needless to say the line was crazy there. We waited for about an hour. We also got a power suppy that was on sale. With the camera came a free AR printer. So I grabbed it. I asked about an Mp3 and was told the wrong info. We got the front of the line and they did not have the camera. Aka they never had it in stock. So no camera/free printer. We got the navigation and power supply. missed out on the mp3 as well, but got it from them online later. Also, just to note, online I had ordered on Tday another bluetooth for 19.99 for us.

Went over to walgreens in the same shopping center and got the keychain, reading glasses for felix, and detergent.

Walmart was up the street. While in line for staples, we fixed the Visa issue, but still had the AMex issue, which I then fixed later. In walmart we got the similar Digital camera, but no free printer :(. Also an outfit for Alyssa that was only 8$.
next was michaels. Got picture frames. Had a coupon for 25% off.
Then linen and things. Had 20% off coupon. Got this candy claw thing for 19.99 on sale. plus 20%. oh, circuit city still had a line to get into the store. Wanted to check out DS games, but said forget it.
Then target, parking hard, due to best buy being in the same center. Got the DS starter kit there. not a big price reduction, but something neat for Jack. Got a game on sale for him as well. Got myself some of the women's clothes that were on sale. sunblock and some other toiletries we needed.

Made it back to my moms by 9ish. took the kids to the beach. Felix got to sleep for 4 hours. I tried to sleep on the beach in a cabana, but never quite did it. I cannot fall asleep anywhere and anytime, like most guys can.

That night I crashed before 9 and woke up at 7!!!!

Overall, except for the laptop, I got what I wanted. Tday at Kmart was the best.

wow, you did a great job! cool.
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