Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Of course, we did nto get home until close to 7:30 due to traffic and some homework was "postponed" until 6am this morning :(
While we were there Alyssa behaved beautifully. Of course all that great behavior ended when Alyssa got home. She was hungry (stuck in traffic due to accident ARGGGG) , and did not want to finish her homework then. Felix made her a burger, but it was not good enough.
Several things that came up with my convo with felix.
How can she have ADHD when she behaves so well at other peoples home. I tried to explain that she still has it, but there is no school involved, which is as big thing. Behavior is easier to control, but not the distractibility. But the crying and everything else has got to stop on a daily basis. Once in a while is ok, but this daily stuff STINKS!
Our new plan is to try to get her to eat healthier foods and to make sure that she is well fed. For example, Felix did not give her an after school snack the other day and she cried about thumb
tacking sheets to a wall to make a "stage/curtain". Even as toddler, if she was hungry and not happy about what was being served she would have a meltdown. this is why I have not pressed for better nutrition and let her eat way too many carbs and way too less fruits and veggies, which she dislikes. The meltdowns became not worth it, and I did not want an eating disorder. Even as young as 1 this was going on!. But we really, as she turns 9, need to step up her nutrition. The braces killed me in that raw carrots and apples are out, which were one of the few things I could get her to eat. I have to be more diligent on making pumpkin CC muffins for her as well. I like this one person's idea about hiding other veggies in things. I will have to tried mashed califlower with her. She once ate a leaf of raw spinach. Need to push that more. I will accept canned fruits for now, but fresh would be better. AT least she likes grapes. (jack loves strawberries, bananas, apples, grapes, melon. He also likes broccoli, cucumbers and such).
HMMM an idea is to go to sweet tomatoes. A restaurant with a great salad bar.