Saturday, November 17, 2007


catching up...

Geeesh.. this past week was a very bad week at work. Also home life was not much better. I worked a very critical case at work and the customer was pretty much up and down for days. I put in a few extra hours on concalls outside of work. Email at night, etc. Felix caught a cold, so you would have thought that the world was ending
yesterday the kids had a makeup swim lesson. I had to straighten out a mess with FElix's cobra. I had to fax stuff for him (since he *Had* to rest). He has a sorta contracting job to the same client that was the reason why he got laid off from his job(he would work directly for the client that no longer uses his old company for support). I took the kids to the pool and then Alyssa did not want to go to synagogue, where Felix was. Dennis Prager has been there all weekend. The kids were "wild" and would not cut me a break. I finally let alyssa fall asleep in my bed. In the midst of all this I got a migraine and started my period!!!!
Today was not much better. Felix left 1st thing. I still had to pack myself and the kids for our trip to Fl. Then i wanted to go to Macy's for their killer sale.. (and YES I got great bargains). Then I took the kids to the rink where Alyssa had lessoons. Also, this morning before we left they were playing outside and jack got red clay all over his shoes and then on my 1st carpeted stair. That sucked. AFter skating, still with my headache (no matter what I take it always comes back and they last for days, so I just give up), I came home and got more stuff done. Alyssa's friend came over and we took the kids to the park, as felix was FINALLY on his way home around 3 to finish his packing, fix the garage door (needed grease) and then sit and watch TV for 2 hours (really... no kidding). I got home with the kids from park and ice cream and FElix was on the coach. The kids played outside some, but I was very upset with how they have been playing in our front bushes. They brought out tons of stuff , markers, paper, and other things to put back there. That and getting more red clay on them... Not happy.

The past two days i have been yelling more than I want to. I guess the stress is REALLY getting to me.

Well felix left AGAIN for the evening program with Dennis prager. I need to straighten the house out. get the kids to bed (did get them fed), and then get any laast minute stuff done.
Tomorrow when we get up ,(probably around 6ish) we will leave for our 10 hour drive to Florida.
Florida shoudl be fun. The pool is being redone, but we have the beach. We are seeing the rockettes (from NY show), and I have the secret hannah montana tix... THen TDAY, at Kmart... for my 32 inch TV. Then there is Black Friday... oh boy oh boy... more shopping. I have babysitting this year, and FElix doesnt have to work. And we are in the warmth!!! what could be better! We counted our money already (during the year we save singles and put them away and use that money for black friday).
I hope to check in while I am gone

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