Saturday, October 06, 2007
not handling this very well.
The other big issue is that our car lease is up in Dec. Originally FElix was going to get a truck. Now he might have to drive another sedan. There are otheer decisions as well.
Alyssa has been a pleasure ---not! This morning was a crying spree for 1/2 hour over the spellnig of "picture". i was trying to help heer, but not the way she wanted. Then when I asked her to go into timeout , she would not. more stuff for the therapist to deal with. The book report is a disaster in the making. WE picked the "wrong" book for a mystery. yes, there was a mystery, but the solving of it, was not based on clues, etc, but rather confronting someone. how does one talk about clues and such when dealing with it. I did read the book myself so I know what Alyssa should be writing about.
last night the kids behaved horribly at synagogue after childrens services. Jack is so good when he is not around Alyssa. She eggs him on. Today I am going to just take Jack somewhere once Felix gets home. i like that he does religion on Sat mornings, but i dont like that I am "stuck". I would ahve left already but dont want to be around Alyssa . She doesnt deserve to go to the fall harvest.
A friend of Alyssa's is on ADHD drugs. The good news is that she is able to concentrate and do things much better than ever before. The bad news is that she is not eating or sleeping and losing too much weight and is too tired. Not sure what that mom is going to do.
I hope people are sttill reading this blog. Sometimes I feel like I talk to myself.
I understand about what you are feeling. We went through a layoff a couple years ago and we managed pretty well during that time but I don't know how we would have done longer term.
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