Saturday, June 21, 2008


Hangover morning.

Last night I went out with the "original" girls. the 3 of us had a blast! It was for my birthday celebration. We went to this 80's place I went a few months ago where I had a blast!. It was so much fun! I wanted to call it a night at 1am, and by 2am, I finally convinced my friends to leave!

Someone else was suppose to join us and had to cancel due to being sick the night before. her DD was suppose to sleep over with Alyssa. So of course, that did not go over very well with Alyssa.

Also, I had to have Felix bring my wallet, as I left it at home. And nowadays everyone gets carded!!!

Not much planned for this weekend. It seems the weekdays are very busy, but I dont have too much on the weekends.

I know there is alot more to write. Will have to think about it later... Next Sat we leave for NJ

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