Friday, May 30, 2008
And to continue....
The neighborhood. Yes I am president. I really dont feel like I am qualified. I can never get a board meeting together. I am also not a very strong person when it comes to arguing. I really HATE conflict and tend to back down or not bring things up. Well I was doing an OK job, and then came "the shed". I neighbor, who is also a friend of mine, had been fighting the HOA for many years over a shed that they put up. They claim it got approved even though it never did. Well the stipulation was that when they sold their house the shed had to go. Of course, my neighbor lists the shed when they go to sell! She is also a RE agent. So she knew what she was doing. This caused the previous HOA/board to call me, mainly the women I term (and many others do as well), the witches of HC. They are very strong personality women, whom have run this neighborhood for years, and one of which is impossible to have a conversation with! She is just very defensive all the time and always has to be right. Well they were all up in arms and on my doorstep every day. I had the ACC lead send a letter to the homeowners, but it got "lost". By the time they sent a 2nd letter the house was now under contract. Time for me to contact our attorney. (I am the only one who can). Getting phone calls about this shed as well as convo's with the witches and other people on both sides of the issue. Finally, lucky for me, the seller had the buyers agent contact me about why the shed could not remain where it was (it is seen from the road). I then explained about it being "illegal" aka never being approved. So luckily her buyers demanded that the shed now come down. I would have to believe that they also asked for a price cut, but I am not privy to this. Meanwhile elections are coming up and I am trying to get everything together. One board member is very elusive is hard to get a hold of.
Meanwhile, as bad a job I think I am doing, people want me to remain and rerun for the board . I dont mind the board, but president really doesnt suit me fine. the KIDs love that I am "president". It makes their mommy seem important.
Well now that is off my chest. Paranoid issue of hte day.... Why is Alyssa's friend's mom, who no longer lives near by, ignoring us. We have called several times. Also sent email... Talk about insecure.... I think ... " what have I done wrong"..... instead of maybe that its nothing. Wonder where Alyssa gets it from ....
I'm sorry to hear of the silent treatment from the mom of A's friend. That's very frustrating.
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