Monday, October 29, 2007


mindreading and meltdowns...

I really wish that as I thought of things to put in the blog, that it woudl magically appear, versus typing things in. I enjoy having a blog, but I feel overwhelmed writing everything. I probably should do it daily, and then it would not be as overwhelming, but for some reason I dont like to. Well I never did *love* writing. I love talking though!

Once again the world seems to revolve around Alyssa. I almost think that we should try meds, but everyone is against me, aka FElix and my parents. Felix will fight me tooth and nail about it. Anyway, last week was a bear with her. Then on Friday with the therapist, we talked about her social issues. I know she is like me when I was little. I dont want her to have the same problems I had. I made friends, but the majority were not in my grade, or not even in my school. My mom thinks I did ok in elementary school, but I remember even then not feeling like I belonged. In my case though, I was not opposed to playing what they were playing, I was just very insecure. Alyssa's problems seem to be more than that. She is very bossy and not into comformity in some ways. I hope this works out for her when she is older (aka drugs and such). But then again, she also makes poor choices. Friday night was the big halloween thing at their school. Neither kid hung out socially with anyone. With JAck though, he is a happy boy and people say hi to him, and that is just how he is. Boys in general are like that anyone. I did not see that many of the boys really playing with out boys like the girls do. Alyssa was asked about, but she did not want to socialize. She really only likes one on one socialization. And she wont play with others at recess because they doesnt want to be part of a group. Its a big problem, as she is getting older and really needs to have at least one good friend from school. Aly moving really messed her up, but it has been a while (all 2nd grade and now 3rd grade). I hope the therapist can really help.

Well the next thing has to do with the meltdown of the century over the surprise weekend of my parents visiting. I will talk about the meltdown later...

I know what you mean about having blog entries in your head, and then it's a hassle to transfer them from head to computer. I've got one or two that I've been carrying around in my head for months but haven't posted yet.

Much sympathy about the meltdown of the century.

Is Alyssa happy being solitary, or does she seem to *want* to play with the other kids but can't make it work? To me, those are two very different things. If she's happier alone, then I think I'd consider leaving her be.

Have you run across the book "Good Friends Are Hard To Find"? It has some suggestions that I think might be very helpful for you for hepling Alyssa. Here's its entry on amazon:

(Sigh... I meant to say "helping," not "hepling." But you probably knew that.)

hey, I sympathize with you. Maryn is a handful. We don't have a diagnosis, but she is different. Also socially not very inclined. I do remember from gradeschool that I was often a loner, too, though. I'm not quite sure if she minds it or not, she seems not to, but she is often angry and sad about a lot of things and overly needy of my attention for a seven year old....sorry about sharpiegate, too. Kayden is very social and always has friends. Its a stark contrast. Kayden tells me that usually Maryn is alone, or she is playing with the kids that are differently mentally abled, another thing that makes me wonder.
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