Tuesday, August 21, 2007
our trip to the mall.
Earlier I had finally gotten them the webkinz charm bracelets that I had promised. They could nto get them until after homework.
Jack had no problem with his homework. Actually got his spelling words right on his first try, but spelled the bonus word "first" as "frist".
Alyssa's homework is tricker. She did good in her math though. I am surprised that addition is FINALLY coming faster to her. There is hope. She also has spelling words. I am mad at myself for not pushing writing more this summer. It really shows. Her writing has gotten sloppy and also she misspells simple things. (not becaues she doesnt know, but because she is not thinking). This year their spelling lists will depend on their abilities. Alyssa always did well on spelling, but I could see her showing up as a bad speller on the test that will determine this. I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing. The other part of her homework is that we have to record her nightly reading. Then write a paragraph based on one chapter or one book, due every friday. One thing I am not sure of is how much involvement is desired from the parents so I emailed her teacher. She had to do a project making a compass rose, and I did help some, but I am not sure if I was suppose to do so or not. 3rd grade is not going to be easy. And we also have hebrew school to deal with, with its own homework now.
Well getting back on track, after dinner they went to the club for their swimming lesson. AFter lessons, we got home probably close to 8pm. Since I wanted Alyssa to do her paragraph already, I told her she could stay up until 9 to also get the playtime she wanted. Well 9 came, and she got upset then. She started to cry that she didnt have enuf playtime. I was very sad about all of this because she also said "my life is so bad". WEll you went to American girl, you got your charm bracelet, you did get some playtime, how bad is your life???
I REALLY need to stop doing nice things for her. I keep doing nice things and going above and beyond to make her happy and then in a moments notice she gets all bent out of shape. I am going to have to have another talk with her about this. I dont like it one bit.
And then with Jack I have to repeat myself 10 times for him to do something until I threaten to take something away. then he does what I want. That has also got to stop.