Wednesday, August 29, 2007


curriculum night.

Last night was curriculum night for Alyssa's class. Since Felix had to take Alyssa to hebrew school, I got Jack a haircut (badly needed) and then took him to his friend's house while I went to the school.

I skipped out on the PTA meeting since I will be back on Thursday for Jack. Only about 1/2 the parents showed up for Alyssa's classroom. I was hoping this one parent would show up since Alyssa has issues with her daughter (who apparently is mean), and I wanted to approach her parent(s) on it. Oh well. I did mention to the teacher about it.

I REALLY like Alyssa's teacher. For example, she does teach script, but would prefer to teach the kids how to use the keyboard. She feels that being able to type on a computer is more important that learning cursive writing. Also, she deviates some from the textbook on spelling to work more on learning "how to spell words" then memorizing words. I do love her discipline technique. If a child has to move their clip , during recess they have to be in timeout and write about the infraction. This way they practice writing at the same time they think about what they did wrong. I wish I could use that one at home, but it probably would be full of complaints and take forever. School rules are much easier to follow than home rules due to peer pressure it seems. I came out of the classroom knowing that Alyssa has the right teacher. There are mostly boys in her class; Only 7 girls and 10 boys. Other classes has more girls. I guess because of the style of teacher she is, she is better suited to the boys. I also talked to this one mom after class whose son also has ADHD and she doesnt medicate either.

Meanwhile, Jack came home and said that his teacher asked that he learn to spell "intelligent" since he uses that word an aweful lot. I did show him :)

Today is a crazy day. Last day of swimming combined with theatre for Alyssa and baseball for JAck. Since Jack starts gymnastics next Wed, there are some Wed's where he will have gymnastics and baseball, while Alyssa has theatre at 5pm. So at roswell Rec at 3:15 to 4:15 and then Alyssa will have her thing at 5pm. FElix will handle Jack if he has baseball, when he gets home around 5. I do have an every other week carpool with the theatre class. you gotta love carpools! Maybe I can do one for gymnastics if I find someone else with jack. At least bring him home or I can bring their kid home every other week.

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