Tuesday, August 14, 2007


1st day of school.

yesterday was the 1st day of school:

from Alyssa. I sit next to two annoying boys
From Jack. I am scared, as my teacher is too nice. I want a stricter teacher.

Also Alyssa was exhausted as sunday night she had a hard time getting to bed. As a matter of fact, this morning I had to wake her up at 6:45 and she fell asleep at 8:30 the night before on own. That shows how tired she is. I dont know how to help her get more sleep. How much can be done , if , via nature, a child just has sleep issues. I will continue to help her best I can. I really try to be calm about everything when she cannot go to sleep. the other night I did offer to check on her every 5 minutes , and I did so.

My mom sent pics from when they went to American girl place in NY. I am not going to make any prints as Alyssa was doing "my wrist is hurting" thing again while there and had it "wrapped". I am glad that since we have come back, there have been no "wrappings", but this phase really got to me.

Felix has been told that 50% of his group will be getting laid off. Logic would say that they should keep the good people and senior people, but they figure that they need to get rid of the bigger salaries, not that the salaries are that big! So he is working on his resume and also asking around in the company. I always thought I was at risk, not him. Especially since he gets calls all the time at home about his speciality. But there was some management changes as well recently and noone sees the value in what he knows and does. They think that anyone can do it, but time and time again, noone else has stepped up to the plate.

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