Saturday, July 07, 2007


shes back!

What I posted in my december list on thursday:
I freaked out about this whole sleepaway camp. I never heard fromAlyssa and she was not in many pictures. Also they had color war ,which has athletics in it for the last few days. Add in her sometimessocial issues and I was so scared she would have a bad time.Well my daughter had the best time! she cant wait to go back next yearand wants to go back for 4 weeks instead of 2! SHe even liked colorwar and was great at cheering for their team (red, which won).Her "sport" was sand castle building.We managed to unpack and wash everything already. She also loved heernew room when she came home. I had gotten her a new dresser and deskwith hutch. She sttill had her dresser from when she was a baby.

What has happened since. She is back to the "I am injured". She hurt her ankle at camp. Funny how that did not affect her doing cartwheels on thursday. yesterday morning she pull the I cant walk bit. And Felix was taking them to the amusement park. I wanted to put her in a camp and have felix just take Jack, but he would not do that. It was very upsetting to me that not 24 hours home and Alyssa was pulling her usual stunts. Then in the afternoon, when they go home, both kids were asleep in the car. Jack got up, but it took a while to wake Alyssa. When I did, she wanted to be carried. I told her she could walk. So she stayed in the car. Then she starting honking the horn, etc. so felix made her get out of the car and she sat in the garage. She said that we did not care about her because we dont believe her about heer ankle. Well when for the past 3 months something is ALWAYS hurt, what are we suppose to believe. I thought we had resolved this before camp. apparently not. It is very frustrating to me. I have tried ignoring it, sympathizing, reasoning, and of course getting angry. nothing works.

Other things I found out. Her bunkmate became mad at her because she would not return some posters. Alyssa says the girl gave them to her and then wanted them back. So we went out and got some from one of those magazines (where the other came from.. aka tiger beat). and will mail them with an apology. Alyssa was friends with a couple of girls but not everyone. There is this one girl she was closest to, that we will try to get together with. My best friend actually knows her since she lives around the corner from her. Alyssa still had a blast. I just have to remember that for her, its not the social thing that is most important now.
We also talked about friends and such and she says that kids think she is strange. She thinks she is strange as well, but she is fine/happy to be strange.

nice to know that things are "back to normal" here. Its actually 7:45 in the morning and both kids are sttill sleeping. Thats pretty amazing.

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