Thursday, July 26, 2007


bad pms day

I guess its nice that the kids are not here . I am definately pms'ing.

This morning I called to talk to the girls and wish them happy birthday, as well as talking to Alyssa. My brother says that JAck is a wiseass and that he will straighten him out. THis bothers me very much. Even if Jack is a wiseass at times , its not my brother's place to say anything. JAck , I believe, acts this way, because he is unsecure and being the "class clown" makes he feel better about himself in some ways. I know that. The only reason why Alyssa is staying with my brother is that a while back, when we were having problems, he said "let her stay here, we will straighten her out". I never thought that by her staying with them that would " straighten her out", but figured I would call him out on his offer. The problem is that my SIL is the one that gets stuck all day with 3 kids. the good news is that Alyssa is very well behaved when I am not around. The other thing about this morning's comment is that I sorta said back, well you were one when you were a kid, and he denied it! Jack is so much like his uncle. I guess we have our own revisionist history here.

I tried to call my dad and ask him what is up with my brother's comment and all I got was that I call too much and to leave everyone alone. I dont think that calling a few times a day is bugging everyone. And I have not bugged them to what they are eating, what they are wearing, going to bed, etc. As a matter of fact, they drag Jack out late and then he falls asleep in the car.

Today I do have a valid concern. my mother drove the girls and my SIL to the city to the American girl place. I fear driving into NYC. So I hope it goes ok. Alyssa brought her doll with her, so she will be so happy. When they open up here, it will be a mob scene for a while..

Bored at work today. was a bit busy, but not much. have been all over the web today. nothing exciting. going out to eat tonight AGAIN! . kids gone and I am gaining weight.


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