Monday, June 18, 2007


fathers day and Alyssa hates me.

Sat was an early and busy day with the swim meet at Marist. I will give Alyssa lots of credit. She is the slowest swimmer on her team, but she enjoys it and she tries. her issue is endurance. She is great the first 1/2 of the 25 yards and then loses it. 1st 1/2 25 yard time is probably 1/2 of the 2nd half of the 25 yards.. wow ! that was an interesting mathish sentence!
FElix took jack to his friend's pool and i took Alyssa to my office to pick up the father's day cards that I left here. We also went to the webkinz store. I can get any webkinz out there. We went home around 4ish and actually spend the rest of the night at home. On Sat Alyssa acted mature and wonderful--and I did not yell. Sunday was the complete opposite.
Sunday thigns were ok for fathers day. We went to the new gym. I took a step class for the 1st time in over 10 years. Its more like dance moves step. I have 2 left feet and there was no way I was able to keep up with all those moves. I ended up going to basic step moves at times. We then took the kids to the pool. Afterwards they did some rock climbing and we went to the rink for Alyssa's lesson. Things started off badly as she got upset with her friend Taylor. Then with Alyssa being overtired (up early on Sat, stayed up late Sat night and did not sleep in like most normal kids on sun), it was not a good mix. But good news.... She has her one foot spin starting to work! We got home and then went to dinner for Fathers day. Alyssa was mad at me already for the fact that I actually did not give in to everything she wanted. Now the RANT.. Felix does.! She prefers her daddy now all the time because he lets her do whatever she wants. She has even thrown things at him and he laughs. I know she doesnt do it to hurt him on purpose, but she gets wild and does it. I joke with him that maybe he will handle her the day that she really hurts him. It hurts my feeling a lot that she doesnt like me at this point, but its a two way street. I do so much for her. I am always there for her. When she behaves and does good I let her know. But I also to tend to yell when she gets out of control. After we got back from dinner she was playing outside with the neighbors and she decides to turn on the hose and hose them down. That got her inside and in timeout. That did no go over well with her. First, we are not allowed any outside watering, and 2nd that is very rude. Its sad that I am SOOOO looking forward to those 12 days of sleepaway camp. yes, I will miss her, and yes I love her, but I feel like I am in one those relationships with her -aka the boy that you love so much, but is so wrong for you. She is my daughter and its not the same, but sometimes the feelings and behaviors remind me of that time.
This morning we got along fine. We talked about some stuff, I got her ready for camp, I was calm about things......I just want to get past this issue of her not liking me before she goes to camp. She says she is only going to miss daddy, not myself or Jack. I really believe that when she gets back home we need to go back to the phsyiatrist and work things out better.

Onto father's day.. got felix Nascar stuff. he actually liked it. Cards from Alyssa, JAck, and the cats. Those cats are up around 6am these days meowing for food. Its so annoying. I need to teach them to sleep in as well :)

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