Tuesday, May 15, 2007


mothers day....

My mothers day was nice. Felix wrote emails to me with hints to where stuff was. Every 1/2 hour I would get an email with better hints. For the 5 cards I got the clues on the 1st try. The gift (earrings) took a few tries because I fogot we had a tigger frame in the house. We then did nothing for the morning and went furniture shopping for Alyssa's room in the afternoon. I figured that I never have time, so why not. The kids behaved themselves pretty good. We went out to dinner for Mexican.
Sunday night I watched the season finale of survivor, with watching desperate housewives at the same time. I know I would love Tivo, but dont want to commit to pay something else monthly. We have some many small monthly expenses that all add up. Last nigth I watched part of the bachelor and part of the show on TLC called "jon and Kate plus 8". About a couple that has 6 year old twins and 6 2 1/2 year olds. The mom , kate , is very OCD. But you probably need to be with that many kids. I will say that they handle it very well. I love watching that show.
I am very mad at myself for allowing myself to gain weight back. I am about where I was before I got pregnant with each kid, but a few years ago I was 15lbs thinner after losing weight. I just cant get motivated again. Also, lately, exercise is getting pushed in the background. I neeed to take the kids to the greenway for bikeriding and I also need to start up the nightly walks again. Now that swim team has started, things get really crazy. Practice or meets are every night until the end of the June. Not that you cant miss a practice...

Also the 1st weekend in June I am going up to NJ to help my parents move. Felix will have to handle getting the kids ready for camp on monday, which includes all their food/drinks. On top of swim team and other stuff for monday. I know that he will not starve the kids or anything, but I also know that it wont be done very well. I bet he doesnt pack a lunch for the kids and stops by the Y with fast food :). Actually that might not be a bad thing if it only happens once.
I am more afraid of stuff getting "lost". When he picks up Jack from afterschool, half the time , things are missing. But overall I am sure the kids will do fine. The house will be a hugh mess, laundry will be piled up, but we shall survive.

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