Monday, May 21, 2007


long time...

Wow, I did not realize it had been almost a week since I last blogged. I know that I think that I need to write in my blog and then other things come up and I just dont do it.
Things to note:
The kitchen needs to be closed after 8pm and I need to stick with that. I am so tired of the "im hungry" right at bedtime.
THe regular activities are now over. Last baseball game was sat and yesterday was the gymnastics flipfest. now we just have swim team for the next few months.

I dread camp starting, in that I prefer the school schedule to the camp one. Most camps start at 9 so I will be later to work everyday and work 9-4 mostly. This is the last week of school. For Jack, its more like the 1st week of camp, but at school :). I got home a schedule of things that they are doing this week for fun. Not sure what is going on in Alyssa's class. She said I should put a puzzle in her backpack today. The worse part of summer camp is packing the food/drinks for the day. I like that most days the kids have the school lunch. Also things easily stay cool in school (versus being in the hot sun, even with a cooler). I also have to now worry about water bottles, towels, etc getting lost. Camp is so much work!
The scary part is that in 2 weeks I am going to NJ, so Felix will be in charge. I figure he will probably stop at camp for lunch and drop off fast food (LOL).

Alyssa still complains about her wrist, but then uses it fine when nobody is paying attention. I do believe that it was only a sprain, but it is taking a long time to fully heal. And we do keep it in a splint when doing activities. During the gymnastics thing she did not do the bars.

How do I stop jack from picking his nose in public. He also puts fingers in his mouth when he is nervous. Some suggested duct tape. he has a hard time playing with the kids as they say that he picks his nose.

Oh and though of the day, why is it that my girl prefers to play with boys and my boy prefers to play with girls.?

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