Thursday, May 03, 2007
googles and sprains :)
Meanwhile Alyssa has a sprained right wrist. Has to wear one of those velcro things for about a week. She hurt it initially falling off monkey bars on sunday. they she aggrevated it falling off her bike monday afternoon, so off to Xrays we went. luckily its no broken . Though I had to remind her to be "careful what you wish for" apparently casts are "in". I think Alyssa now realizes what a pain it is not to be able to do activities and its really not so worth it.
Today we get part II of the braces.
Jack got his 2nd webkinz this week. Tovie, the tiger. He was soooo happy.
I finally walked yesterday while the kids were in activities. Since I got back from vacation I have not exercised as I got sick. Then I got too busy. Now its time to get back into shape.