Friday, May 11, 2007



Well I should know better than to trust my brother to take care of mother's day for me. My parents are currently in NJ so I called my brother and he said he got theatre tickets at scalper prices. I offered to help pay for my mom's ticket. I also sent my brother the card to give my mom since their mail is forwarded to FL.

Then this morning I find out that my mom always knew about the tickets; that originally they were not even suppose to be a mday present, but rather my brother's usual way to look like he means well. Noone but my brother even knows why and how he overpaid for these 4th row tiks to Wicked. Then my brother says he doesnt want to even see it, that my parents and his wife will see the show...

So after hearing all that, and also knowing all that my parents are doing for me financially (they are contributing for the kids summer camp and also will buy Alyssa her new furniture that she needs as a 9th bday present), I called a place that has specialty foods and ordered a basket to get delivered. I wish I had done this to begin with and not sent my brother a check. I really did know better... My brother does very well, but as much as I am frugal he is a spender. I can go on for paragraphs about his money ways.... but probably no a good idea. Oh and I know that I look bad by taking $$ from my parents; compared to many people, we can be considered very well to do. But believe it or not, sometimes we do struggle to live off our paychecks. I know we could cut back, but its so hard to, when you have grown accustomed to a certain way. So these extras are nice. If my parents did not have it I would never take it. Also, its always for the grandkids that I accept $$ for.

Now lets get to his wife. She has always been very "sweet" and the right match for my brother. She lets him do what he wants. He always needed a more laid back wife. But on the other hand, she is not very independant. She lived at home before marrying him. She is a decent mom, but is always looking to not be with her twin girls. REcently she fractured her hip, so she could not drive for 6 weeks and they had to get some help. Luckily they have so many friends that they got a lot of help. I think is a small way she was happy this happened. Lots of free time to herself.
Now the BUT.....
She has changed. I guess the people that they hang out with in their town has rubbed off. She is planning my brothers 40th SURPRISE bday party. Of course she invited her friends as well as their friends, and has about 80 people coming. I was still going to come up for it; thinking it was around my brothers actual bday of sept 29th. Well, without consulting my parents she picked Oct 20th. Which is Jack's actual Birthday!. Also she did not call me to tell me the date. I found out from my mom. Well I know that I would never do something around their girl's bday. I would not expect them to come. As a matter of fact, for my 40th they did not come and that was OK. So at this point I will come up to Jersey for my brother's actual bday, but not for this party. I figure
1. my brother wont then suspect anything else going on.
2. I wont be an afterthought in a party that has so many people.

Anyway, that is probably more than I should have revealed about my family. I usually try to keep this blog about myself, the kids, felix, aquaintances, and more general stuff. If anyone reading this knows my brother , SHHHHHH about the party :)

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