Monday, April 23, 2007


sorry its beena while.

Ok, two weeks later and I still am not 100%. My ears are still clogged up. This is a real pain. Anyway, onto other issues.

Today I saw Jack's teacher. She says he is a transformed kid! He is no longer arguing, but a model student. She wanted to be sure that nothing out of the ordinary caused such a change. Nope, its just that I think that JAck finally "got it". The only concern is that he doesnt socialize much. That is my fault still as even this weekend, Alyssa had 3 playdates and Jack did not have any. He did attend a bday party though. I need to work on playdates for him. he prefers the girls to the boys. Also he so much prefers to stay inside playing computer or watching Tv. I need to definately get him outside more. The weather here has finally come back to normal. MArch was so nice. It was above normal. April was below normal so far. Now things are "normal".

I need to really start following thru with Alyssa. She can be a such a spoiled brat at times. The problem is that she really knows how to get to me so that I finally cave in. I need to stop. She needs to start doing more around the house. The problem is that she is not money hungry enuf lately for an allowance based on chores.

There is so much more I am sure that I should mention, but lasast week I forgot to finish my draft and therefore lost what was on my mind.

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