Friday, April 13, 2007


sick sick sick...

This cold that started late Tuesday has probably been the worse cold I have had in a long time. Its the whole shabang. headaches, sore throat, bad congestion, coughing. I have not really been to work in 2 days. I do have to do the kids activities though every afternoon. There is no choice. Felix cannot be in two places at once , nor would he ever take off of work to do activities. He would sooner have the kids miss them all. I wonder what he would have done if I had been really sick on Tuesday to the point that Alyssa could not make her orthodontist appt with me at 2:00 last Tuesday. He probably would have asked me to change it versus taking off of work. This sorta would have really annoyed me.

Anyway Alyssa did great! She did everything they asked and she now has 2 braces and spacers put in to get ready for the bottom jaw expander. She was a bit sore, but handled it fine. Refused tylenol though. I kept offering it to her . She is old enuf that if she decides she would rather be in minor pain than take meds, I feel that is her choice. AFter braces she had skating. I do get somewhat bored hanging out at the rink for 2 hours and need to remember to bring the laptop. they do have a wireless router there. I wish her friend would be able to skate with her before lessons, but her friend has tutoring on Tuesdays.

Wed I did stay home from work, but got the kids and took them to gymnastics/theatre. I also had to look thru the school for Jack's stuff. Basically when Felix got Jack on tuesday he forgot his coat and his homework. Luckily the afterschool teacher put the homework in Jack's cubbie in his classroom. The coat was still MIA. Then JAck told me he had his lunch box, but he did not. So yesterday (thursday) when I got him I finally found his coat outside and he had found his lunchbox. yesterday I went to work for a while, then went home, went to get more drugs to try, and then got the kids. FElix took jack to baseball and I did take Alyssa to gymnastics. I could have just stayed home, but she is probably going to miss gymnastics in a few weeks when part II of the braces come on.

So I just wnat to be healthy. !!!! This truly sucks. Staying home and watching daytime TV is not fun for me. The problem with being here at work is that my brain is not functioning very well for the technical work I have to do. I am also starting to have a short fuse with the kids. Alyssa was not being very helpful in getting ready this morning and I was yelling at her a bunch. She should be old enuf to remember to bring down socks, put on her own shoes without complaining , etc etc. yesterday she forgot her lunch, which was right on top of her backpack. I had to go back home and bring it back to school. Most times I wouldnt have done it, but it had soft foods in it for her mouth. today she decided she wanted lunch as well, but that was 5 minutes before we were to leave, so I told her tough luck.

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