Thursday, March 01, 2007


cats and other silly stuff....

I knew I had something else to write about, but now I have forgotten! I did remember to write about those silly cats of mine. I decided to test and see if they knew their name. Kaikai (the girl) does know her name, but cobbie (the boy does not). I would call each name and only when I did kaikai would she stop what she was doing (drinking from the sink). Cobbie --not really. Also cobbie has decided to sleep by my feet now at night. Must like our new down mattress pad.!

Oh that is what I wanted to write about..... The mattress guy came out and because we have a pillow top, have valleys on each side and a mountain in the middle is "normal". But they will stretch out the pillow top for us and tighten it. Also we are getting addional supports under the box spring right where we sleep. If I had to do it again, I would not get a pillow top.

Yesterday we had a very nice day. So after I picked up Alyssa we went for a mile walk. I swear that child did not stop talking the entire time. It was like she had sugar or caffeine. The good news is that caffeine is suppose to calm her. I am testing that theory now that TAG testing is complete for her. It seems that she got in trouble in school yesterday for not quietly going down the hall, but jumping a pretend jump rope. Also for talking and singing. The universe is upside down this week.... Jack has been perfect up to today with green lights and punches and Alyssa is the one I need to talk to!!!! Webkinz is what has motivated Jack. He also finally !! finished his word list. He should have had it done a long time ago, but his teacher seems to be behind the other kindy teachers. I was looking on the walls and other classes are writing short stories (a couple sentences), but not his class. Thank goodness I work with him at home.

Oh and speaking of his class I volunteered to do the book typing for his class. Every year in teh spring each kid writes their own book. In kindy, I recall that the kids dictate their story to someone. in 1st grade up they write their own. Last year Alyssa was frustrated writing a story and when the room mom came into the class, she had to help "push" alyssa to do so. This year, its completely different!!! She kept writing. Her story is longer than most. At least thats true if they use the "chocolate bar" story that they wrote. Also, this year she is finishing her work, which is so different than last year. Even making some extra effort. The BIG issue is remembering her homework every day and stupid mistakes.

People should read this.
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