Saturday, March 10, 2007


bits and pieces....

last few days..different stuff.

Alyssa-- She went on the monkey bars today and it was sorta like an S shape. There was about 15 bars. she went back and forth and back again for 45 bars! I was amazed!!!! Also she says that she is the slowest runner in gym, yet she can outrun me. We did a bit of jogging today. Their school is having a carnival and fun run in early May. The other development is that she got invited to a sleepover bday party for next Sat night from a girl that was friends with, then not so much, and then sometimes at school now will play at recess with. It seems for a girl that really doesnt have "friends" she is getting invited to quite a few bday parties. I just wish she would put in an effort more, but I believe that summer camp will really help. This week we are also giving her latte's in the morning. mocha coffee with milk. It hasnt made her more hyper or worse. Whether or not its helping... time will tell.

Jack---well since alyssa's week at school was much better, Jack had a bad week. On thursday he "mocked" the teacher. This is apparently a very hot button for her and he got into a boatload of trouble. Straight to another class and almost to the "office". He also had to writte an apology. of course , in usual "Jack world" he did not understand how wrong it was that he did that. He must know that it was not right, but apparently did not see the seriousness of it when it happened.
Jack starts speech on Monday. He really needs it. JAck has started baseball. He is honestly not that good, but sports is good for him , since he would rather be indoors on the computer, tv, etc.
For Jack's class I volunteered to type up the stories that the kids do. in kindy the teacher write down what the kids talks about. The subject was either My pet or What I want to be when I grow up. Jack chose the 2nd one. He wants to be an archeologist that digs for diamonds so that he can be rich. He wants 5 kids and wants to live in Florida . gotta love it! Well typing these up are a big pain. plus most kids in his class had just a few short sentences that I need to try to fit on 3-4 pages without seeming like they wrote nothing. I am not liking this project that I signed up for. I cannot imagine doing the older grades though. Next year I think I will stay away from the book project. Stick to the science fair and other stuff.

Other big deals this weekend. WEll tonight we dont have a babysitter. We will have to go out next sat night. Alyssa will be gone and findnig a place for Jack should be easy.
Last night I met up with a friend of mine that used to live in my neighborhood, but moved in town. She is still single; its nice to talk to someone who is not in surburban mommy land every so often. Orginally we were going out with my other friend for her birthday, but she got sick. I still went down to visit my friend and she made dinner. We went out for dessert. I was home by 11. :)
Other news is that my sister in law fell the other night getting up to go to the bathroom. She tripped on her pj bottoms. It turns out that she fell so hard she fractured her hip. Today she had surgery to put pins in. Without the pins she woudl be bedridden for almost 3 months. with the pins she will slowly be up and about . My brother has had to deal with a lot. He has had to step up as a father as well as working and being with her. So far so good. She does have family up there, so that is helpful to them. Also they have a boatload of friends.

Well the kids are still outside playing . it was around 70 today. Felix is planting some seeds. I better go check up on everyone.

Yikes about the sister-in-law's broken hip!

We had nice weather here today too; ours got up to about 50, with lots of sun. It was gorgeous! We went and walked around at the botanical gardens, and then I planted seeds in little flowerpots under a grow light.
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