Tuesday, February 06, 2007


private versus public....

I am constantly going through this dilemna about private versus public school. I always thought that we were in a good school district, but I am not so sure anymore. The demographics has changed a bit since Alyssa started kindergarten in that they built some new condos and townhomes which are in our district. The school population has really grown. Also, I never realized how much turnover there is. If you look at all the kids that were at the school when Alyssa started 2+ years ago, probably at least a 1/3 are no longer there.
Other things is that the school has supposily stopped having kids who are "smarter" in an area such as math learn above grade level. The only thing they have for the smarter kids is TAG which is one day of week of enrichment outside of the normal class day. Of course you have to be recommended and then tested to be put in. There is also this great reading program that the school decided not to do either.
Come middle school, I am really serious about doing the private school thing; but I would like to not have to spend the money now. What I have found is that each of my kids need different things. I wonder how this would be different elsewhere.
Alyssa is very smart, but can make stupid mistakes at times. She needs to be reminded to be focused. This is partly due to her ADD. I feel that her teacher this year has done things to help her along. I really feel that if she did not have the lack of concentration skills from the ADD that she could have already been recommended for TAG. At this point, thinking about it, being pulled out of class for enrichment would probably hinder her. So I have given up. But I want her to do well in her future. Come middle and high school I hope she takes advanced classes for college prep. Her strengths are in language arts and reading. Her weakness is math. This is so the opposite of how I was. I definately dont want anything about ADD in her records. I know other ADD kids that get EIP (sorta like special ed or resource). I feel this is unnessary. Where is mainstream education these days.?
Now onto Jack. Jack has behavior issue. He argues. He also is not as "Street smart" as alyssa. He is book smart. He will ahve issues with concepts, but will do well with "facts" . An example is explaining about social issues of this world. Alyssa really gets it. Jack never does. Even explaining how football or any game works. Jack has a harder time. Alyssa got the concept of Xmas and santa easily , Jack probably wont. BUT Jack can do things now that Alyssa never did at teh same age. He is reading chapter books 6 months earlier. He never complains about writing and does a pretty good job. He knows money (what coins are worth). He can tell time to the 1/2 hour (but doesnt get what time things sometimes happen). He knows fractions. He can add and subtract faster than Alyssa. He is doing SRA reading comprehension at home. He gets video games easily and the computer. He is bored in kindergarten. I really hope the school keeps dividing out the kids in math to ability in 1st grade like they have done, when he gets there next year. I just dont think he is challenged enough academically. Part of this is the Oct birthday. He is close to the oldest in his class.
Both my kids are in the top reading group in their classes. I am very proud of this. I do try to be a mom that does enrichment with my kids. Jack will do it moreso than Alyssa. With her she says so , but when I try to get her to do it, she will fight me. Just getting her to read a book can be a hassle at times. BUT I understand that is who she is. I will say that now that I understand her better, it really helps.

On a final note, the morning sticker chart works really great. With doing mornings by myself it is pretty easy unless something happens such as a cat vomits, or Alyssa had a bad night's sleep, or something else unexpected. Adding a bonus sticker for getting up between 6:30 and 7 on their own helps as well. it makes bedtime easier and earlier.

I should have written this post sooner! Just as I stated " I have given up" I got the letter yesterday that says that Alyssa will be tested for TAG. I dont have high hopes that she will get in, but at least I will know one way or another.

And just because I dont want to put in a new post---last night I had fun at a focus group about cars. Made 100$ cash. Hope to have more in the future.
We are thinking more and more about private school when it comes time for Robert to enter... not too impressed by the public schools here in NJ. Also, do not want Robert to be considered "handicapped" because of his hearing impairment for fear that it will pigeon-hole him unnecessarily. Although it would open us up to a lot of assistance, in the long run mainstreaming him will be better for him. So understand a bit of what you are thinking about Alyssa.

Glad she has a chance of getting into TAG... she must be doing something right! By the way... I sucked at math but was much better at language arts.
I wonder how different all the school systems in NJ are, and even how they differ from here in GA. I will find out next year when my nieces start kindy. One thing about private schools here is that they are mostly religiously based. We do have charter schools, but they are lottery based in many cases. I know other states have other alternative schools and I believe in the carolina's you get to pick out of a bunch of schools. That sounds pretty good.
Its always such a hard decision. I did OK in public school. Also what do we have to give up to send them to private. I go back and forth so many times about this. If I was in what was considered a bad school district the decision might be easier. You at least have a few more years to decide what is best for yourself and Robert.
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