Sunday, February 18, 2007


a lazy sunday...sorta

WEll Jack is in the otheer room playing webkinz , Alyssa is at a friends house, and Felix is watching NASCAR. Before leaving Alyssa I met the other mom at an indoor swimming pool. It was real neat that for 5$ the kids could swim for 2 hours. I wish a place like this was closer to my house.

I have spend a lot of time since friday night trying to fix the kids computer. It was infected by something, so I tried to clean it up; then I finally got sp2 of xp on it, and all security updates. Ran security scans as well. It still has issues, but I think they are router related now. Maybe I need to update the router. Their computer is about 2 rooms over and the signal is low or very low. The laptap also has issues just being one room over.

Yesterday Alyssa went to a bday party at monkey joes. I had to go back to target to return the karaoke machine that we had gotten; my parents had given me money for it around the holidays and I finally had gotten around to it. Alyssa was sttill not quite 100%. It was over a week since she was sick, but then the cold came. Last night we had a babysitter. She brought her brother, who is friends with Jack. This is a very large family of 12! We met them at swim team last summer. Most of the family swims. 5 of the kids are now college or out of the house. They are religious and home school, but not like the Duggers we see on TV. They are extremely nice. Anyway I went to see music and lyrics. I enjoyed it. I never liked Hugh Grant before, but in this movie I liked him and even found him attractive.

I need to call the place I got my mattress from. It is only 6 years old, but already on each of our "sides" it is sagging. There is a mountain in the middle! We have flipped it, but still has the issue. we need to probably "turn it around" instead of flipping. I just dont think that a 6 year old mattress should do this.

Also, this week I need to pay attention to camp stuff and tax stuff. Make copies. I hope work is not as crazy as it has been, but I dont have hope for that. Once the daylight savings time new time has come (march 11th) things will slow down. The otheer thing at work is that I am moving my cube. I have been by myself for a while in a 4 cube and loved it. (my cubemate retired and the otheer side is lab). Now I will be a 4 cube with others again. I do like whom I was paired with.

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