Friday, January 19, 2007
my extremely long and bad day.
My couch potato husband has been having really bad sinus issues,making his coachpotatoitis much worse. Finally he decided to havethe surgery to have his sinus's opened up. This was yesterday. Hehad to be at the hospital (no outpatient center due to his heartcondition) at 7:30, so for the 1st time this year the kids got onthe bus at 7am.Everything was fine and his surgery was set for 9am. The Dr said itwould take about 2 hours, so I figured we would be home around 1ishafter he woke up (takes about an hour NORMALLY). So I did stop bythe office and was back in the hospital around 11. A coworker of mine was there as his wife was having back surgery at the same timeand same place. (what a coincidence).
The Dr called me around11:45 and said that all was well and gave me the perscription.Around 1:00 I still had not been called to see him. REcovery is abig room and due to HIPPA laws you are not allowed to be with yourSO when they are in recovery until they are ready to go home and putin a room to get dressed. I personally think this sucks, but thatis how it works and I can understand it.So at 1:00 they say he still waking up. Maybe another 1/2 hour. SoI wait 45 more minutes and then ask what is going on and then theytell me at least another hour. I am "waht is up with that" and I amgetting upset. I thought we would be home by now, and Alyssa hasa very important appt of her own at 4:00 to discuss her ADHD thatrecently got diagnosed. They finally send a nurse down to say thatthey are having a hard time waking him up and he is on oxygen. Sonow I now that it will be at a MINIMUM 3:00. I cant bring him homeso I call his "sister" (not biological, but his best friend for 20+years). She was orginally going to hang out with him and my son atthe house while I was with Alyssa. More on her in the nextparagraph. What a ^%*(^$*^( she is. She is now going to bring himhome when he is ready. There is also the though they might keep himovernight. I got a message to him about this change and he was coolwith it (exact words relayed back to me). he was awake enough to respond, just not getting enuf oxygen. I leave at 2:30 and get thekids.
Ok, now back to the bitch. When we first talked earlier in the day,I was giving her directions on where to get Jack. She is very bad with directions. I said that I would probably be there to getAlyssa and would let her know where she was to go at that time dueto the weather (outside or not). She asked why I was not getting both kids to begin with (huh, my husband did not fill her in verywell) and I said a dr's appt. She said what type , and I saidphysiatrist. She then proceeded to tell me that my daughters problems were all due to the fact that I tend to yell at my kids .This from a women who actively decided never to have her own kids!That my daughter is fine, and its all my fault. I hung up on her.The audacity of her!!! I had to call her back later to have changethe plans to get my husband.Anyway, we are the dr's and she calls me on the cell. Can I pick upgatoraide on my way home. Can she leave the house and get it sinceI have the kids and I dont know when I am coming home due totraffic. no, my husband cannot be left alone. Ok. Now Alyssaoriginally had gymnastics, but she doesnt have to go. So I call herback and ask her if she can take the kids to dinner when I get homeso that I can see my husband. No, she cannnot. Her husband justgot back in town and asked her to dinner. I was like, wait, ifAlyssa has gymnastics orginally who was staying with Felix? So I amreally mad right now. So plan B, i get home drop off the gatoraide,and get Alyssa's leotard. I picked up chicken for the kids as welland they were eating in the car. Felix was up and about so Ifigured he was now ok be home. When I walked in the door, I wastold to "please feed the cats". Like she couldnt have done that! Soshe decided to stay and have her husband bring dinner. Ok, Whatever.So I ask "can Jack now stay home so I dont have to drag him withme". She says "I prefer you didnt". I did not want to upset myhusband so I bit my tongue and walked right back out. Aftergymnastics we all get home and she left with her husband (its 7:30now) and she mentions on the way out that the litter box stinks andneeds scooping. Well B%%%% couldnt you have done it then? Anyway Ithrew something after she walked out and made a comment about herbeing such a B%%%%. I honestly did not want to upset Felix but I wasseething.The good news is that Felix is really nasty when he is not feelinggood. When she first brought him home, he was nasty to her and Imissed it all. he was nice to me last night. of course he couldntsleep all night. He is feeling ok though aka, the pain, and not toomuch congestion. I did tell him what she said and he said he wouldtalk to her. The other thign is that my kids adore her, so Icannot take that away from them. I now consider her my bad motherin law.
Oh and lets not forget that after I put the kids to bed last night Ihad to straighten the house for the cleaners today, get the kidsstuff ready for school, etc etc. I did make it to watch grey'sanatomy but woke up at 2am until 5am not able to sleep. should havetaken soemthign myself.ok, glad I got that off my chest. Meanwhile I found out that theyused a different anesthesia on my husband that could have the sideaffect of a very slow wake up. So now we know. my friend's husbandis an anesthesiologist so he explained stuff to me.