I am just about to lose it. I think all the stresses are finally getting to me. I am practically a single parent and I resent it so much. Felix is still not 100%. Over the weekend, he was functional for about 1/2 a day. Now imagine that he is working this week. He comes home from work and is non functioning. He leaves before me and the kids get up and ready for school. So I am doing all the parenting. I really resent this. I know he is not purposely being this way, but I am angry about it. I want a healthy husband. I am also very upset that he did not go to his boss and ask for a while to be on a later schedule that would help him recover and help me in the mornings. Mentally I am checking out. I am getting myself to act as if I am a single parent. If I was the unhealthy one, I know I would work through it to do as much as I could.
Then there is the birthday party. It seems that many kids in Jack's class were invited to a birthday party, but Jack was left out. This doesnt seem right in kindergarten to leave a kid out. I have no idea what would cause a parent to do this. Does she hate me? Does her kid really hate my kid? Her kid came to Jack's party. I cannot find an explaination for this. I dont want to ask the parent, as she will probably then feel like she has to now invite him. I just wish I knew why. Jack has to hear the other kids talk about the party. The only other thing I could think of is the invite got lost in the mail. Then I look foolish not RSVP'ing. Either way i lose. I dont know why, but this grately upsets me.
I need to snap out of this.
# posted by sandy @ 6:23 AM