Thursday, January 11, 2007


can we stay healthy?

First I caught Alyssa's cold. then my tummy was bothering me, then I got my cycle, and then I got one of my typical migraines. Yesterday I finally started to feel a bit better. I am also tired as we have those sleep issues in our house. Alyssa is still having issues, and they are nightly when there is a school day. I dont think its the stress of school, but rather maybe the thought that she HAS to get up in the morning? maybe doing an alarm would help.

Next thursday felix is having his sinuses done. I am torn between taking the kids to the bus early, taking him, and being there, or letting his friend take him, and saving my time off . Its not major surgery, so I am not sure what to do. I should be the wife and do the right thing, but he is very nasty when he has anything done. Dont know how well I want to deal with that.

Webkinz has been a wonderful thing for Alyssa. Yes, she spends lots of time on the computer, but she is learning to get around it better. Also it makes for a social "ice breaker" when she meets new people. If they have webkinz they have something to talk about. Meanwhile on the gamecube, on the super monkey ball game, I finally got level 8 one time! (yes i play these games with my kids!). I cant believe how excited I got. The good news is that I dont like playing it for a long time. My favorite is sea haven towers. Its sorta like freecell.

Alyssa has also had bouts of self control lately. She has not lost it as much as I know she can do.
I hope that as she is getting older she is gaining that self control. this sat we are going to get her IQ tested and some testing for ADD. Even if she is ADD, I doubt we will do much with that, as it is not a bad case of it.
One thing Alyssa said the other day is that she no longer wanted to be friends with this girl that she was starting to become friends with because that girl is mean to other people. I thought that was very mature to think that way. On the other hand I dont want her making that girl angry at her, so that she will then be the one that she is mean to. I do wish Alyssa made friends and had more of them, but I guess knowing which friends to have is a better thing.

Cool about the bouts of self control. I hope it continues!
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