Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Almost back to normal......

Felix is back at work. When he is "sick" strange things happen within myself. I develop an almost love/hate relationship with him. The hate I think comes from the fact that I resent so much how he has had so many health problems. Then there is the love, i.e. that I love him and want to take care of him (which he despises, which feeds into the hate). I always want to be intimate with him right after he has had surgery, or some other crisis . No, not right afterwards, but when he is up for it. My brain is really driving me crazy :)

Now back to my regularly schedule mommy stuff...

I did not have paretn teacher conference for Jack , as his teacher did not want to accomodate the fact that I work. I cannot come in at 10am for a conference. She did this with all the moms; I dont know how many actually got to change their appt. She sent me email instead since I do see her from time to time after school anyway. The thing that stand out is not so much his behavioral issues, but that he is "doing exceptionally well in academics". He is in the top reading group with 3 others. He knows all his math skills. I really do think he is bored at schoool sometimes. I always thought of Alyssa as my bright one, but Jack is probably more book smart. His speech and skewed reality at times is probably what makes me think otherwise.

Alyssa is doing pretty good at school. With her being ADD its a stuggle at times to get her to do work to her potential though. I will not medicate her at this point. Her classroom last year, being as noisy as it was, turned out to be a bad thing for her. She daydreamed a bunch and had a hard time finishing all her work. Now I definately know why. This year she is doing much better in teh classroom. .She likes her desk in the front corner. The biggest obstacle for us is homework Mostly when it doesnt come easy to her. She gets frustrated rather than letting me explain things.

Well back to work here. just got summoned.

Glad to hear Felix and your kids are all doing better now. How are *you* doing?
I tend to always stress myself out and try to think my way out of things. I do have lots of anger at times towards the felix situation. Its not his fault that ended up with a heart conditions, bad sinuses (though I think the 40lb weight gain is partly his fault). I also need to learn to not "nag" as much, as well as stop yelling. This morning I put myself in timeout as I was losing it with the kids. Jack wouldnt do as I was asking him and then 2 minutes before we are suppose to leave Alyssa wants only toast for breakfast!
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