Tuesday, December 05, 2006



8 years ago today, I had Alyssa. She might have been born on the 4th, but my first induction did not work, so we started all over on the 5th. It was a Saturday. I remember not feeling "familiar" with her after she came out. It was disconcerning. But that feeling did go away as we got to know each other... Felix took to her right away and was a natural at it.

She has definately been a challenge. I hope that 8 brings some maturity to her. I know that yesterday someone kidnapped my child and brought me a different one that I actually liked. She stopped herself from crying about something. She listened. Yes, she made protests, but she was being a typical 8 year old, not someone that was not in control of herself. She had also just come off of 2 days of sleeping through the night. I know that it helps . The meltdowns are definately related to tireness, but they can happen after a good nights sleep as well. I dont know how we fix the sleep issues.

today we may go to see the Macy's day parade balloons. they ahve brought some of them here to Atlanta today. They are suppose to have this entire kid thing. Tonight is CiCi's pizza night from school and Alyssa would like to go, so that is what we will be doing.

Work, since the crazy week of thanksgiving, has been unusually slow. this is not good.

Happy Birthday Alyssa! Sounds like Mum really outdid herself with your party. What a lucky girl. Enjoy being 8!
Happy Birthday Alyssa!!
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