Monday, December 11, 2006


gifts gifts gifts....

Well this is the first year that I am actually doing the card thing en-masse. I actually have some time for once. Getting addresses for distant friends and relatives.

Meanwhile I had told my brother and my brother in law not to get my kids anything. My brother got my son his usual hess truck, and then had to go all out and get Alyssa a very expensive birthday present (high end clothes). Now my brother in law informs me that he got something for my kids. This puts me in a wierd position, as I honestly did not want to get his teenage daughter anything. Not because I am cheap, but but because she is very ungrateful. she has NEVER acknowledged presents that I sent, nor has she even said "thank you" When they were here a few years ago for a weekend I bought her a shirt and did not get that simple "thank you". At least acknowledge that you got the gift. I got her a necklace from mexico last year and I had to ask my BIL if she even got it!
So I have 3 choices.
1. just get something small for katie and realize that I am not getting an ack.
2. Confront my BIL and tell him the truth
3. Not get anything, because I said we shouldnt, even though he did get something small for my kids.

not sure where to go on this. As far as my other nieces go (my brother's kids) I will now get them something small. Probably some books.

The weekend was all the usual stuff. Alyssa has been good lately. Maybe turning 8 has somethign to do with it. I have cracked down hard on Jack due to his behavor at school. It is so hard when he is easier at home. I finally gave him back the computer yesterday. But he had to do educational stuff first. I told him that today we start with no priv's. If he does well he gets priv's when he gets home. AKA he has to earn Computer, GAmecube, and TV.

Once again, I can take either kid with me out and they behave great. Take both kids and forget it. They feed off each other. Taking Jack to the grocery store was a pleasure yesterday.

I once again have feelings of being a bad mother. Maybe I need therapy more than my child.

For whatever it's worth... I think it's normal for sibs to be better behaved when just one of them is out with adults, and worse when both of them are.
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