Monday, November 06, 2006


page 340

I only get to read books when at the pool or beach these days on vacation. Today was one of those days where we spend the entire day at the beach and pool . I came upstairs to grab lunch for the kids. I read a book while I did keep an eye as well on the kids. Tonight felix and I are going out on a "date".
Alyssa was just awful the day we got here. so bad that I got a lecture from my parents about all the ways that I have done bad to create such a monster. She had 3 meltdowns. I really think that some of it is not in her control and she might need addl help. Of course some of it is having turned her into a "princess" of sorts. I am trying hard to be tougher on her, without yelling.
But since that day, she has behaved very well. So it is in her. Maybe she needed a vacation?
Yesterday we too the kids to this park. It used to be pretty fun when they had this big tree that had fallen. the kids loved to climb on it, but alas , it is now gone. AFter about 1/2 hour we had a typical 5 minute florida shower. So we went to this very expensive ice cream place. nothing less than 5$ because they specialize in oversized ice cream. Group type eating. It was nice to finally go, but it cost us 20$ just for ice cream!

I know I have more to say, but its hard typing on my mom's computer. Oh Desperate Housewives was fantastic last night!

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