Wednesday, November 22, 2006


only 2 more days....

Only 2 more days until black friday. Its very exciting for me. WAtching the ads come out. I have many small things to get this year versus the big ticket items. With felix having to go to work by 8am that complicates things. Also wanting to be at serveral places when they open. Ialso took on the giving tree at work. this is where we buy items for families less fortunate. I have the list of items, of which are less $$ on black friday. Still, i cant wait for newspaper.

On some cute news. I had to take jack to get a fasting blood test this morning since he had no school. I told him when he woke up. He said "I will do it because I love you". We went and he was not that happy, but did not cry. Said it hurt a little. then they had him pee in a cup. When he was done he went to the waiting room where Alyssa and Felix were (they have no school so felix has them) and told felix all excited that he "got to pee in a cup!".

I am frustrated though with jack's behavior at school and being argumentative with his teacher. I have tried rewards and punishments and none seem to work. I even tried logic. He has issues with authoritive figures outside the home. I hope he outgrows it. Other than that, I have not many complaints when it comes to him.

Last night Alyssa and I watched the American music awards. It turns out that many of the disney people were on it, Aly and AJ, High school musical cast, Miley Sirus and her dad, the cheetah girls . plus all the other pop people alyssa likes. She knows so much more about pop music than I ever did at her age. At one point I was watchng the pussycat dolls and said nonchalantly, "oh that one has a boob job". Alyssa asked me what I said, and I had to catch myself. That is not something I wish to explain to her at this point. So I brushed it aside. Gotta be careful what I talk about, which lead to the next thing...

Felix told her that I was previously married. Since I had no kids, its not a big deal. I showed Alyssa a picture of Tom the other day. The discussion came up because of all her friends that are part of divorced parents. So its not a real big deal. She then wanted to tell someone though and I told her not to. Not that its a big deal, but she needs to start learning that certain information is not for sharing. She asked last night if she could tell people my age. I told her that is not something we usually share.
Overall she has been behaving ok these last few days. I think I am in a way, giving in to her more, just to avoid those meltdowns. Not in the big ways, but for little things. I am just so tired of dealing with them.

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