Wednesday, November 01, 2006


"Its off track"

That is what alyssa said about her daddy's heart. Yesterday the kids got their hearts checked since HCM is hereditary. Both kids have great looking hearts. Felix was even jealous of looking at such a clean echo. We did explain to the kids what a heart does and how it works. Jack was a bit unhappy about the blood pressure cuff. Apparently at his 6 year checkup they squeezed too hard. Jack kept the eletrodes and Alyssa kept the paper gown.

We got home and the kids got ready for halloween Felix took pics, so give it a couple weeks before I will see them. he always had to edit all his pics first. We did more decorations this year. The kids made 2 pumpkins, we had the singing frankenstein, the candy dish with the bird that talks , and now a moving ghost that hung from our tree. The neighborhood always provides pizza in our cul de sac before the kids go out trick or treating.

What felt like much later, the kids were in the house around 7. We sorted the candy. Jack only kept a few things. He wanted to make sure he did not miss a house, yet he doesnt even like most candy. Alyssa kept more. The rest is here at my office today.

Last night our attic friend(s) were back. I tried to get Felix to go up there when I heard the noise but "he was too tired". If this is a mouse/rat, it certainly is not going for the peanut butter! I am tempted to send the cats up there, but with traps, fiberglass, and nails, I dont want them getting hurt. Waiting for the exterminator to call me back.

call a critter gitter...We had a squirrel that got into our attic space when we lived in our appartment. It ended up that the spirrel was getting ready to have babies and we would have had a damn mess up there.
I hope you get rid of it quick.
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