Thursday, October 26, 2006


yes, they really do have batteries...

last night I went to sleep. about 1/2 hour later I heard a beep noise. Felix heard it too. This was definately not our new pet in the attic (speaking of which, it cant be a mouse, maybe a squirrel?). So we discover its out downstairs smoke detector. So I say to Felix "the battery must be dying". Felix says back to me, "how does it have batteries if its wired into the house". I said, trust me, it has batteries (lost of electricity, etc). He did get a ladder and could nto get the %&$# thing open . finally did, and sure enough, there was the 9 volt. :)

now back to sleep. I had a hard time falling back down. Then in the middle of night, Felix is "snoring" so I move to the guest room. Around 5:30 am Alyssa is making her sometimes nightly treck to the guest room. I move back, but at 6am felix is up for the day. I HATE his 7am days on wed and thurs. I end up getting such poor sleep. Of course, I sorta do fall back, and then its 7am and I am scrambling to get the kids ready. Alyssa was pretty good, but JAck was slow on the go. He is the one that goes down before 8:30 and many times I have to wake him up. Then again, last year he was still taking naps. But in my usual manner I got the kids dressed, teeth brushed, milked, fed, and out the door in under 20 minutes. The worse part was that Jack wanted to bring lunch and we are out of bread. I ended up putting some chicken in tupperware. He is much better than Alyssa in remembering to bring home the tupperware.

so YAWN YAWN for the day.

Oh I hate nights like that! We've had way too many of 'em lately... sigh....

We had a "pet" like that in our attic for a long time. I never did figure out what to do about it, and eventually it did go away, all by itself. I'm still curious about what type of animal it was and how it got in and out. I hope yours goes away too.
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