Monday, October 23, 2006


tickets, got your tickets here ....

Ok, this was a crazy weekend for the credit card. Plus somehow I end up buying tickets for friends as well. They reimburse me, but sometimes I want to say "no" to doing this. But I am not good at all at saying no to most people. First, we got cheetah girls tickets for the 31st of Dec. This time I cannot go to the concert (out of town), but would like to make enough money to help pay for Alyssa's bday party. I got one set of good seats, but one set of so-so seats. The problem is that on ebay I see that everyone else has the same idea. got a set for my friend as well.
Then I got tickets to see high school musical, the musical at the fox theatre. Apparently season ticket holders got all the good seats. I could only get "meh" seats.
All these tickets start at 50$. Boy are things expensive!

I honestly should take Jack , not Alyssa to see high school musical. Alyssa's behavior has been so bad. Continued all the day yesterday and this again this morning. She is such a hypocrite. She is allowed to wake up her brother whenever she wants, but I asked him to wake her up and dont even go there.! She was upset yesterday because we could nto remember what we gave her for her birthday last year and so we "owe her" 2 gifts. Yeh right. We owe her nothing. Then she tried to sweet talk about how she was wrong, but I oculd make it all right by giving her a goody bag from jacks party. The deal with that is that she needs to do 3 pages of math problems to get one. So no dice there. I am so close to taking away freaky friday (halloween at the school) and would even consider taking away trick or treating , or part thereof (aka only 4 houses). I know I have been losing my temper at her, but for days this has been going on. I think I need to call a truce and just end once and for all. I am NOT giving into her. Though felix underminds me at times. He accidentally hit her with a soccer ball and wnated to give her the goody bag. We need to nip her self centered ness right now.

Up for this week. JAcks dr appt.

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