Wednesday, October 11, 2006


priority and differences between moms and dads.

Yesterday Felix informed me that his request to take next Thursday off had been denied. He was going to do the "donuts with Dads" at Jack's school and have some Dr's appts that day. My original request was that he just go to work late. Normally they need him at 7am on Thursday. Why could he not work late? I know on days he is not suppose to be in at 7am, they have, at times asked him to come in. I would guess that someone else was going to be late or on vacation. I would not think twice about being late for work for a short enough event like "dads and donuts" (which will be "moms and muffins" in the spring). I have taken lunch breaks to do reading at school. I am coming in late the next day to do Science day and Jack's birthday. Normally I probably would not make a big deal out of this, but Felix almost missed Jack's preschool graduation because it was on a Friday! (friday is their "busy" day). We finally compromised that he would come and then go back to work and work late that night. What kills me here is that this company doesnt ever seem to value Felix. They dont give him promotions he deserves and the pay, is , well..... Honestly he should go look for another job, but that would require Felix (which would end up being me) to create a resume and work on getting a new job. Since I have not put doing HIS resume as MY priority, this has not happened. If I dont do it, it never gets done. Felix needs to take care of getting some genetic testing done for his heart condition. I told him what needs to be done with the paperwork, but unless I do it all, it wont get done. In this case it involves talking to people that would be so much easier for him to do.

Anyway, Felix thinks this blog will turn into "bash Felix". Honestly that is not my intention. I just dont understand how I can put my kids first and he cant. I do have a backup plan though. Jack's godfather is going to look into coming instead. When I asked Felix about this, he stated "my parents never came to school and that did not cause any damage". When I come to school all I see is how my kids eyes light up. Will not ever having lunch or making events or not volunteering cause permanent scars... probably not.. Will they bring on fond memories.. Most likely.

Enough on that topic. I have a moral dilemna about Alyssa and cheerleading. She really wants to do cheerleading, but with all the other activities I wanted a program that was very casual. last year this place came to the school one afternoon to do it. That was perfect. But unfortunately there were problems and that no longer happens. So I got a flyer about a program at a church that is minutes from my house. They have winter basketball and cheerleading. Not a big commitment and only 75$. So what is the problem? Its not that its a church program, but that they also include religious stuff in program. During 1/2 time of the games, and after each practice. They do a sort of bible study. This includes stuff related to Jesus. I send my child to Sunday school to learn about Judaism and I am trying to raise my children to be Jewish. I dont mind them being exposed to other religions, but at the age of 7/8, this could really confuse Alyssa. If she wanted to see what Xmas mass was about , that would not bother me, but I dont need her doing "bible study". So unfortunately I will not be signing her up. She is sad about this. I will need to find another casual cheerleading program. The one thru the Rec center is very intense and expensive. Or Alyssa can just wait until she is in highschool and become a cheerleader then :). She does gymnastics, theatre, and ice skating as it is. I know that she would give up any of those for cheerleading, but at this point I have no place to "send her". But once again, last night, all I had to do is look in her eyes, and what should have been an easy decision for me, was much harder.

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