Sunday, October 22, 2006


The party's over...

Jacks party is now over. It worked out great, but all the worrying beforehand made me stressed out. I do that to myself. Do I have enough food, drinks, etc. Will kids show up? how many will cancel, will everyone have a good time? With food and everything it ended up costing me ~250$. The goodie bags drove me crazy. 20 of them. This was the year though that I was going to do it right for Jack. Many years the party was at the house or one time at his daycare. Last year at the nature center 2 kids got stung.
Jack loved all his presents and kept saying that he "will invite them again next year".

Alyssa, on the other hand, has not been a pleasure. I guess I have caused this, but the attention has to always be on her. When in the party room she wanted to "run things". She was being obnoxious. I did let her hand out cookie cake (we had either cookie cake or fudgie the whale from carvel, thanks to our friends), but then she wanted to hand out the goodie bags that I let her make for me. She was grabbing, so I told her no. Then a full out crying spout ensued. I am sure that since she did not get much sleep the night before, that had something to do with it.

Currently she is in sunday school and it is so peaceful around here. Jack is busy with all his legos. THough he wants me to open this hot wheels toy that he got. I am going later to meet up with a friend who lives intown and is still single.

Pics will be posted on our ofoto site, as soon as felix "gets to them" All pics that he takes needs to go thru his "editing" .

Next on my list... felix's bday. But I waiting until black friday to get his gift (33 more days!)

Happy Birthday Jack!!
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