Tuesday, October 10, 2006


my quest for mediawhoredome

I am always trying to get in my 15 minutes of fame. I have had small bits over the years, i.e. being interviewed by CNN last Black friday for example. I did try to get on the Martha Stewart show last year as "Americas worse cook", but did not make it.
Well today I got an email from the traderjoes fan site saying that the local paper was doing interviewed. So famewhore that I am , I sent email and got a call. I will let you know when I am "published"
By the way, I have never tried out for any of the other "reality" shows. I would not last on Survivor, Felix and I would end up killing each other on Amazing race, I dont want to do wife swap, or supernanny (despite threatening my kids that I would). I dont have talent, my kids dont really have some super talent either at this point. I dont want a new wardrobe from "what not to wear" (and I dont dress that bad....). I would not have minded trading spaces, or any other of the HGTV shows. If I had money I would do designers challenge.. At the time I was giving birth, baby story only took place in the California ... :). The cooking thing was as close as I have gotten, and the only one I have tried out for.

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