Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I should have never made the changes..?

We are going to Florida for the long election day weekend. (no school on tuesday). We originally we going to take a 9am flight on sat morning the 4th. Well, do you remember that friend that we went to the concert with? The mom had mentioned to me that her daughter's sleepover birthday party was the night before. I mentioned having to get Alyssa very early. When I got home I realized that I had never really bought the tickets! So that was the good thing. The bad thing was that the next couple of flights were not so inexpensive, so now we dont arrive in florida until 3pm! OK, it was my mistake; I never finished booking the tickets. What I cannot remember is if that very early flight was still avail at the good price or not.
Now, this bday party is supposily less than 2 weeks away and Alyssa has not received an invitation. I am assuming that after the "incident" where Alyssa got mad at the friend over her plastic cat breaking, and the friend then got all upset over Alyssa getting mad, that the mom and kid no longer want Alyssa as a friend. Add in the fact that they are also moving away. But I am not 100% sure. I dont know what to tell Alyssa. I already had started to buy some of the presents (getting a bunch of little things). On top of that, now we have a wasted 1/2 day, when we could have been in florida (if I remember that the 9am flight was still avail). I am going to call the airlines to find out how "full" the earlier flights are, aka can we go standby. We are a family of 4, so that may or may not work. I will wait until late next week to do so. Of course, Alyssa could still be invited, but who knows. I HATE these awkward social situations. Alyssa called up and has apologized over getting upset. I wish I knew if she was going to the birthday party or not. I cannot just ask the mom outright. that would put her in an awkward position. I think I am going to email about something else and see if she brings it up. Even if Alyssa is not invited I am still giving the presents that I got already. They are specific to this child's interests.

Now onto another change I was considering. Last month I had an incident where my pediatrician did not call me back for a week. I was furious. It almost felt like I was back in my dating days and my boyfriend was not calling me back. I was ready to switch peds. Eventually I heard from him and did back down. Yesterday I saw him for Jack's 6 year. He apologized again and talked about how that particular time when I called was bad due to his desk being filled with tons of paperwork at his main office (I see him at a different office). I dont like his "excuse" , but then again I still like him as a Dr. That is the hard part. I talked to the office staff at this office, and the woman I know that has been there forever. I decided that if I want to find him, I will speak to her, and she will track him down at the other office (if not a tuesday).

Back to Jack. He is now 50%tile for weight. He gained 8lbs this year.! Honestly he doesnt overeat. He just has his dads genetics :(. To even make that point, he is only 20%tile for height (felix is only 5'5"). My poor son. He got the flu nasal spray instead of the vaccine. The bad news is that they have never done bloodwork on him and would like that done. This is not going over too well for Jack. Will have to find a way to do this without him taking a fit. They want a fasting test, so it will be first thing in the am.

I have really tried hard not to yell at Alyssa these last few days. She is still pushing all my buttons. I am trying to calmly but firmly not give in to her.

Yesterday we had no DSL or phone service at home. When I called the phone company they said it could take up to 2 days to fix! I was like what? It was fixed by this morning, but they give worse case scenerio. I could not imagine no DSL and phone for 2 days at home. Geeessh I am so dependent on these things.

I can't stand it when my computer connection goes down, which luckily doesn't happen often. When we visit my mom she has dial up and I about have withdrawl!
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