Tuesday, October 10, 2006


comfort TV

One of my favorite shows is back on the air. Dr 90210. I love this show, not because I want breast implants, but because it is comfort TV for me. Seeing Dr Rey on my screen gives me the feeling like "I am going home". Hes just so charmingly childish. I especially love last night that he annouced his wife's weight on TV (93lb waif-like lbs). I like watching the other Dr's as well. Its one of those shows that I dont channel surf when its on. I wish TWOP (one of my favorite TV snark boards) still have the DR 90210 discussion, but the moderators deleted it because the discussion no longer was about the show, but moreso about Rey's wife, amounst other side issues.

I also watched the Bachelor. Not because I think the guy will find true love, but rather to check out the acting skills of all these "mactresses". (model/actress). That girl Erika who is "a socialite" would do well on a soap opera. How transparent were her tears.

Getting back to real reality... I met with Alyssa's teacher. For the 1st quarter she has all "A"s so she can get a replacement mp3 player from the one she lost. Afterwards I took her to her skating lesson. She did really well. She has taken basic 4 two times already. She almost passed this time, but has trouble with "right leg 3 turn". She does backward skills better than forward skills, which is interesting. She is getting the same "no nosense" instructor next time and he is going to also work on Basic 5 skills if he gets the same girls. Unfortunately, Alyssa friend Taylor broke her arm/wrist on the playground on Sat, when she fell off the monkey bars. So Alyssa is alone again in skating. This is probably good for her, but I want skating to be FUN.When it is no FUN she wants to quit.

I meet with Jack's teacher on Friday. I know what to expect. Academically he is fine. But his behavor has something to be desired. He is a boy afterall. This is kindergarden afterall as well.
I freaked out too much when Alyssa was in kindy. I am trying not to do the same with Jack.

I am going to try to get some pics up this week on this blog. Felix probably took a zillion pics of the kids at the pumpkin patch yesterday. I am so mad I forgot my camera when we went to the corn maze on Sat.

Good blogging girl! Always fun to read other peoples blogs. I was doing GOOD last year. I cant even find time to write in my journal let alone blog anymore ....
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