Tuesday, October 10, 2006
comfort TV
I also watched the Bachelor. Not because I think the guy will find true love, but rather to check out the acting skills of all these "mactresses". (model/actress). That girl Erika who is "a socialite" would do well on a soap opera. How transparent were her tears.
Getting back to real reality... I met with Alyssa's teacher. For the 1st quarter she has all "A"s so she can get a replacement mp3 player from the one she lost. Afterwards I took her to her skating lesson. She did really well. She has taken basic 4 two times already. She almost passed this time, but has trouble with "right leg 3 turn". She does backward skills better than forward skills, which is interesting. She is getting the same "no nosense" instructor next time and he is going to also work on Basic 5 skills if he gets the same girls. Unfortunately, Alyssa friend Taylor broke her arm/wrist on the playground on Sat, when she fell off the monkey bars. So Alyssa is alone again in skating. This is probably good for her, but I want skating to be FUN.When it is no FUN she wants to quit.
I meet with Jack's teacher on Friday. I know what to expect. Academically he is fine. But his behavor has something to be desired. He is a boy afterall. This is kindergarden afterall as well.
I freaked out too much when Alyssa was in kindy. I am trying not to do the same with Jack.
I am going to try to get some pics up this week on this blog. Felix probably took a zillion pics of the kids at the pumpkin patch yesterday. I am so mad I forgot my camera when we went to the corn maze on Sat.
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