Thursday, October 12, 2006


cant think of a title today ...

I am not sure what I am want to title this today. I am not even sure what I want to write about. I did write in my December mom's group about the "candy man" that has been going around trying to lure kids and some of the lessons that I am driving home with mine. Alyssa "gets it", but I do believe that Jack would go off with a stranger given the oppty. I really want to test this out at the park, asking a grownup that they dont know to attempt to lure them to their car and see what they do. The question is, who?

Tomorrow is the big concert. Hannah Montana and the Cheetah girls. Alyssa is very excited.I need to remember to get myself earlplugs. I could kick myself for not getting extra tickets for this one. After getting burned on American idol I did not. I could have made so much $$$. they are selling for 4 times their value. But alas, I am putting Alyssa's happiness in front of my need for greed.

From the paper today, the guy who owned a place called "the beer mug" died. This is where we used to go drink/eat after singles softball. This is the place where Felix tried to convince me that we needed to be more than friends. I resisted for so long.

Other general musings.... i love my new car, but it is near impossible to get out of the garage. I hate having individual garage doors. My old house just had one door. I honestly have maybe 3 inches clearance with the mirrors. I could pull the mirrors in each time... But I just know I will hit the garage at some point. I think I am going to save parking in the garage for really bad weather. Since I got the car, i have been parking in the driveway. The other car (sedan) barely fits on the other side lengthwise, but would fit nicely on this side. Maybe I will give the garage to felix most days. The other side now has all the bikes and toys down. its easier for the kids to play with stuff when its readily avail.

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