Monday, July 14, 2008


Day 4

Alyssa seems happy from the pictures I have viewed on the camp website. I hope to get a letter from her soon. Jack is happy as well. he got to sleep over his cousins house again. This time there was no issues. He even helped his Aunt out with chores. I will post a picture or two from camp.

FElix and I have been doing stuff around the house. I *STILL* cant get the cat smell out of the basement. We fixed a banister that was broken. I did the kids and guest room, as far as cleaning out junk. Stuff has been taken away from the free list on craigslist. We are going to look at a few houses to see if any "rock our boat". Moving is such a BIG task. In some ways I want to move and in other ways I dont. We bought this house as our "last" house until the kids left. But the schools did not turn out the way we had planned.

Today I came to the office for work. Been a while since I was here. I sorta miss it. it is very slow though. I hope we dont have layoffs.

Friday, July 11, 2008


quick , sorta, update...

I posted an update in my december mom's list. I am copying it from there. I will later speak more about my brother and other stuff. Its been crazy with our trip to NJ, back 2 days with Alyssa and then off to camp for her. June was so so crazy between camps and swim team.

One thing I forgot to mention in my Dec list is that since school ended and Alyssa knows that she is going to a new school, she is almost like a new child in some ways. I see better social skills from her. I still see meltdowns, but less of them. The only thing I see more of, is some anxiety. I just LOVE her therapist. She really helps me to manage many of the issues.

Here is my post:
Yesterday we dropped Alyssa off at sleepaway camp for 3 1/2 weeks.She really wanted to go for the "full session" so we let her go. Shehad a such a great time last year going for 12 days. She has a girlshe was close to last year in the same bunk as her. There are 3bunks (with 10 girls) of entering 3/4 graders. Many girls come fromCarolinas or Florida. This is a somewhat religious camp (reformjewish). There are 2 conselors with the girls.The only sad part is that even though I can see pictures of heronline, and I can send her emails that get printed, she can only sendme real letters. Also, there is no visitation day. You can get astatus from the conselor if you call. last year I freaked out and didcall.While she is gone, her brother is remaining in NJ with my parents. Hedoes some day camps up there. I was very suprised the other day whenhe called and was a bit homesick. Last year he handled spending timewwith my parents just fine. not sure what the phone call was reallyabout. Either way, he gets to eat more junk food than I allow (my dadis buying donuts and ice cream), gets his grandparents to himself,goes to camps that he loves, and will spend time with his Uncle.(felix's brother). There is an issue with my brother that I am nothappy about though.Before Alyssa left for camp, I went to NJ with both kids for 9 days.Alyssa spend a lot of time with her almost 6 year old twin girlcousins. She misses them dearly since we dont live near them. Thatis where the "issue" I mentioned occured. I will probably blog aboutit at some point. Alyssa also got to meet a penpal when we wentinto NYC.. It was the daughter of a very good friend of mine from theBoston area. She had met her before when she was much younger, andthis year they became penpals. She has a brother Jack's age. Thekids got along great. I also got to see a few more of my otherfriends, including my high school friend that has a 3 year old and a9 month old baby! i have not held a baby in a very long time.Alyssa, at the end of hte trip to NJ, started to get "pre homesickness" thinking about camp. She started to get anxious aboutthings she normally doesnt get anxious about. She refused to go intomy parents finished basement. She refused to touch the bottom of thevery deep end of my brothers town pool, though she does it all thetime here. But when we dropped her off yesterday she practicallykicked us out!While the kids are gone , FElix and I are cleaning and declutteringthe house. Yesterday I did the kids room and their bathroom. I got1/2 of Alyssa's room done. I threw out so much junk. She saves somuch stuff and then forgets about it. I will also box some of it.Today, after work, I will tackle more of her room, and the guestroom.Felix has to repaint the dining room due to the sticky felt thatAlyssa put on the wall that tore part of it. (part of her ADDimpusiveness). We may put the house on the market to be closer toAlyssa's private school and get Jack in a much better public school.I really dislike our principal. Where we want to go is moreexpensive and I really do love our house. So its up in the air.Felix always works from home (company based out of KC) and I workfrom home about 3 days a week. This does save on gas, since we have atruck and a crossover SUV.thats about it for now.

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